The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1157 Little crying bag, bullying you (44)


this time,

She wanted to make Suli let go of her obsession thoroughly.

It was because she was too indecisive before that she was like this...

Almost killed King's Landing.

She has been avoiding Suli's feelings,

I always feel that as long as I avoid it, he will naturally retreat and give up.


Obviously, she was wrong.

stay away from him...

Always take a chance,

Once... a chance to completely stop thinking about it.

Fu Sheng sighed softly.

【Then... madam, what can I do for you then? 】

"Well... when the time comes... I will leave it to you and Liu Shang to find the fragments."

"I've lost my memory, so I won't remember the mission, so you work hard to match me and the fragments as much as possible, you know?"

【good! 】

"Just in case, you and Liushang try not to be discovered by Suli."

"If Suli wants to attack the fragments, he must stop them, or bring me here, do you understand?"

Tuanzi: [Well! 】

【Madam, don't worry, we will try our best to bring Da Da to your side. 】

"Well, if you don't understand anything, just ask Liushang. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and knows what to do and what not to do."

【good! 】

Tuanzi felt that the burden on him was heavy,

Whether Madam can win depends on her!


After commanding the group,

Fusheng gave Liuzhang another word of advice.

After everything is arranged,

She sat beside Feng Qing, patiently waiting for him to wake up.



at dusk,

After Fusheng left the house, he found that there was an extra wooden house next to the village out of thin air.

Everyone seemed to be familiar with that room, and there was no discussion at all.

It was late, the lights were on in the wooden house, and it was very quiet.

Fusheng stood there watching for a while, and was about to go back to the house.

In no mood,

As soon as she turned around, she saw Suli who was dressed in black.

He tied up his hair, showing a slightly pale face,

Holding a beautiful wreath in his hand, he handed it to her, smiling with curved lips, and with a bit of tentativeness,

"Shengsheng, here it is for you."

"..." Fu Sheng looked at him fixedly.

Suli's appearance is not as stunning as that of Jun Lin, and even more dark and evil,

He is like the deadliest mandala in the dark, invisibly exuding the danger of coldness and chills.

He is smiling at the moment, his brows and eyes are very gentle, and there is a bit of deliberate flattery,

The wreath he held in his hand was carefully woven by him, every point was just right,

The white daisies are intertwined one by one, beautiful and pure.

If she wears it, she will definitely look good.

As before.

In Suli's eyes, there is a bit of humble light hidden,

It seems to be begging, and it seems to be ingratiating.

Fusheng was silent for a while, then looked away, looked elsewhere,

She pursed her lips, sighed, and whispered,

"Suli, don't be like this, okay?"

"If you do this, nothing will change."

One of the most important reasons why it is difficult for Fusheng to refuse Suli,

It is because he is too humble and flattering.

From childhood to adulthood, she respected him and respected him,

I have always regarded him as a very important friend, as well as a very important relative.


Facing him, she was always easy to soften her heart and didn't want him to get hurt.


Now that a choice has been made,

She could only cut the mess quickly and reject him with a cold face.

King's Landing is her life, she can't hurt her big baby for him.

Fu Sheng sighed, seemingly helpless.

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