The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1178 I Found You, My Lady (18) (Gageng)


Even if it will not develop well in the future, she doesn't want to be under Gu Li's supervision forever.

Su Jinsheng didn't say anything more, and slowly stroked the black cat in his arms with lowered eyes, feeling a little emotional.

The cat stared at her, as if aware of something.

It licked her fingers flatteringly, meowed, and looked cute.

"Meow~" Don't be unhappy...

"Meow~" I love you...I love you so much...

The black cat's dark green pupils reflected her face, full of unexplainable feelings.

It meowed softly and rubbed against her, as if to comfort her.

Su Jinsheng curled his lips slightly, his heart softened.

do not know why,

She always felt connected to it.

Although it is sometimes a bit willful, she still finds it very pleasing to the eye.

It's really...everything is in line with her aesthetics.

Su Jinsheng scratched its furry chin, and suddenly felt a little better.

"Momo, have you had milk yet?"

"Meow~" No, I want you to feed me.

The cat stared at her, feeling a little comfortable being touched by her.

Xiaofang came over, "Sister Su, Momo doesn't drink milk..."

She was a little nervous.

Su Jinsheng heard this, looked down at it, raised his eyebrows,

"Any wayward?"

"Meow~" No~

A certain cat hugged her obediently, looking milky and soft.

Xiaofang: "..."

Its face-changing speed is really fast.

Su Jinsheng had no choice but to carry it to the lounge.

After a busy morning, it happened that her part was successfully filmed.

It can be regarded as having time to serve a certain wayward cat.

After meeting with the director,

Su Jinsheng and his group returned to the lounge.

In no mood,

As soon as the door of the lounge was pushed open, there were already people inside.

Gu Li was sitting inside, looking at her script,

On the table, there is also an insulated box.

"..." Su Jinsheng frowned slightly, and his tone became lighter.

"A Li."

Gu Li immediately put down the script, stood up,

Seeing her, the smile on his face froze before he could show it.

His eyes fell on the black cat in her arms.

"..." Gu Li narrowed his eyes slightly.

The black cat nestled in Su Jinsheng's arms, opened its eyelids and glanced at him,

Afterwards, he closed his eyes disinterestedly, and continued to bury himself in Su Jinsheng's arms, remaining still.

The posture is lazy, and it seems inexplicably docile.

Gu Li clenched his fists for a moment.

King... Lin.

His eyes gradually darkened, killing intent flashed.

"Shengsheng, where did this cat... come from?"

Su Jinsheng frowned, a little displeased, "What's your tone? Are you questioning?"

She hugged the cat, took the cat milk that Xiaofang had just prepared, and fed it.

The black cat opened its mouth obediently, biting the pacifier in small bites, sucking the cat's milk.

Gu Li paused for a moment.

But soon, he eased his tone and said softly,

"No, I'm just worried that if the cat's origin is unknown, it will carry the virus on its body, and it will infect you when the time comes, it will be bad."

Su Jinsheng raised his eyebrows,

"Don't worry, it's healthy and virus-free."

She hugged it and sat on the chair.

Gu Li kept staring at the cat, with a bit of inexplicable coldness.

He pursed his lips slightly and continued,

"Shengsheng, if you really want to raise a cat, I'll give you a more beautiful cat, okay?"

"This kind of cat looks like a wild cat, and it can easily hurt people."

"Also, it hasn't been dewormed now, has it? There must be parasites on it—"

"...A Li,"

Su Jinsheng raised his eyes and interrupted him with a flat tone,

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