The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1183 I Found You, My Lady (23)


Su Jinsheng glanced at him, "Cold?"

The weather is more than 20 degrees, cold?

Gu Li didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

When the hostility on his body fades away, he always looks so perfect.


Su Jinsheng thought of what the man in the white shirt said today.

When it is broken, it will be broken, so that the connection will not be broken...

She looked at the cat with its eyes closed in her arms, and pursed her lips slightly.

After entering the door and changing her shoes, she gently put the cat on the sofa,

Then, she glanced at Gu Li and motioned for him to come over.

The two came to the small courtyard outside the French windows on the first floor together.

The moment the two of them went out, the cat with its eyes closed opened its eyes with a faint gaze.

It stared at the person outside the window, its small ears moved slightly, relying on the cat's good hearing, it listened quietly and remained motionless.

in the courtyard,

Both were silent for a moment.

The atmosphere became a little delicate.

For a long time,

Su Jinsheng opened his mouth, with a few shallow sighs,

"Gu Li, are really a very good person."

"Sometimes, I keep thinking, why do you... treat me so well."

Sitting on the swing in the small courtyard, she raised her head slightly, looking at the bright moon in the dark sky, with a gentle voice,

"For so many years, you have been protecting me."

"I know, you are actually a very gentle person in your heart. You actually... also long to be loved, right?"

Her eyes slowly fell on him, her eyes were gentle.

"..." Gu Li clenched his hands slightly.

He sat beside her, head bowed, motionless,

His face was in a shadow, and he couldn't see the emotion clearly.

When the whole person quieted down, inexplicably, there was a bit of loneliness.

Su Jinsheng sighed softly, and was about to continue speaking,

No, Gu Li suddenly interrupted her with a low voice,

"Shengsheng, let me tell you a story?"

Su Jinsheng was taken aback.

The man lowered his head, curled his fingers, looked at the ground, his pupils narrowed slightly,

He seemed to be smiling, but there was a hint of sadness in his words,

"...A long time ago... there was a person who, when he was born, had no parents or relatives."

"He doesn't know where he came from, and he doesn't know... where he should go."

"He is a monster because...he has never seen the sun. When he was born, everything around him was pitch black, he couldn't see anything, he was cold and hungry."

"Later...he grew up in that dark place, defeated all the competitors there, and became a very powerful fairy."

"He follows the God King, at a loss all day long, not knowing what to do, nor... the meaning of his own existence."

"And then...he met a girl."

"The girl is so small that she doesn't even reach his waist."

"She was born from a pure white divine flower, and she was born... to be a god."

"She looks... very cute, and very... caring."

"When the man saw her for the first time, the girl gave him a small white flower. She said...he was a very lonely person and she didn't want...he was unhappy."

"This is... the first flower a man received."

When Gu Li said this, his voice seemed to be a little choked.

"The girl told him very seriously that he should be happier, so that he will receive more flowers."

"She even touched his head, coaxing him to laugh like a child."

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