The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1200 Found You, My Lady (40)


However, the man is still not wearing anything,

As soon as she touched it, she touched his smooth chest,

Shocked, she withdrew her hand again.

"Then... that, Mo Mo, you get up first, I'll find you a dress to wear, okay?"

She was blushing, and almost her whole body was surrounded by him in a corner, unable to run away.

Surrounded by his breath,

Su Jinsheng was almost on fire.

She thought of the scene in her dream again,

Two people together, doing that kind of thing, making her...

Completely overwhelmed.

She pursed her lips, nervously.

The man looked at her little red face and tilted his head, as if he didn't understand.

Among the soft hair, the pointed black cat ears moved, looking extraordinarily soft and cute.

He leaned closer and hugged her like a cat, rubbing against her, it was so sticky.


"Mo Mo doesn't want to wear clothes meow~"

"I want the master to hug meow~"

"..." Su Jinsheng blushed and was very nervous,

The soft and beautiful cat boy rubbed against her arms, hugging her tightly, and the big tail wrapped around her ankles, slipping past it one after another, making it very itchy.

Because I have no clothes on,

So Su Jinsheng could feel the extra warm body temperature on his body,

He grabbed her hand and kept holding on, almost pinning her in a corner with his whole body, unable to move at all.

This is the first time that Su Jinsheng has such a close distance with the opposite sex.

She bit her lip, pressed the man's shoulder, and was about to push him away,

In no mood,

The man held her head down and kissed her in the next second.

Slightly tough, yet undeniable.

The little girl who was kissed instantly widened her eyes.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

She pushed him and began to struggle on all fours.

His cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know if it was from anger or shame.

Su Jinsheng felt his mind was in a mess now, and it was still difficult to accept the sudden cat turned into a human.

in particular,

She's still having that weird dream recently.

In the dream, she and a cat turned into a man...

Su Jinsheng felt like he was going crazy.

She looked at the man who was kissing her close in front of her, and suddenly she didn't know where the strength came from, she pushed him away, and then got out of bed in a panic.

Even if you are barefoot on the ground, it will be very cold,

She didn't care about that much and wanted to run away.


Jun Lin's pupils narrowed slightly, and a gloomy flash flashed across them.

The pretty boy took off his well-behaved skin, and watched her run away calmly, with a faint emotion, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a few seconds,

He chuckled and got out of bed slowly, as if he didn't take her escape seriously at all.

as long as he wants,

Wherever she goes, she is brought back.


He can't rush.

She was terrified and needed some time to accept him.

not to mention,

She is so obedient, how could she be willing to...leave him?

If he gets hurt, she...

Will it hurt?

Jun Lin's eyes calmly fell on the knife in the bedside table.


The knife was picked up by the force of nothingness in the air.

The man lowered his eyes, slowly stretched out his hand, and directly held the knife.

for a moment,

The sharp blade directly cut through his palm, deeply embedded in the flesh, and began to bleed.

The man watched quietly, as if he didn't feel any pain, he slowly curled his lips, his purple eyes darkened.

Even without memory,

Silly lady, she will definitely... feel sorry for him, right?

He held the knife tightly, letting the blood flow down.

As if feeling no pain, his face was indifferent.




Very good, I owe more and more,,,

Five chapters owed, try to pay back.

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