The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1224 Can I knock on your door (2)


Therefore, the question of whether Ann is safe or not, she can only put it on the other side first.

Mu Qiusheng cleaned up the house with sweat profusely,

After looking around, he exhaled, and finally sat on the small sofa tiredly, fanning himself with a small fan.

The position of the small sofa is facing the door,

Sitting on it, you can directly see the old wooden door and the rusty lock on it.

The wooden door has a sense of age, and many corners and corners have been eaten away by unknown insects, exposing the hollow inside.

When the door is closed, even a small part of the scene inside can be seen from the outside.

The foreman was right, this really too unsafe.

She was thoughtful.

"Jingle bell—jingle bell—"

The phone rang in a hurry.

Mu Qiusheng glanced at the screen, paused, and then connected, "A Li."

"Why didn't you tell me about the move?"

The person on the phone seemed a little unhappy.

"You are a girl, move by yourself?"

"Emm...not anymore...I found a worker to help me move it."

Mu Qiusheng felt guilty, "Didn't I see that you are busy recently and don't want to trouble you..."

Moreover, she didn't want him to see that the place where she lived was like this.

Otherwise, he thought about helping her find a house again.

Mu Qiusheng didn't want to trouble him all the time.

The person on the phone didn't speak,

After a while, the tone slowly eased down,

"Where is the new home? I'll go over and bring you some food later."

Mu Qiusheng immediately refused, "No, no, don't you have a meeting later?"

"Don't bother you, there is a vegetable market near me, I'll just go buy it myself later."

"..." The person on the phone was silent,

"Shengsheng, do you need me to send someone to investigate?"

Mu Qiusheng: "..."

"Okay, okay, on the fourth floor of Unit 1, Building 8, Anju Community, two streets away from the company."

"Bring me a bottle of vinegar when you come, and by the way... bring a door."

She smashed the jar, "The door of my house is a little broken, I want to change it."


The person on the phone hung up quickly.

Mu Qiusheng bulged her cheeks, stared at the door,

Looking at it, she unconsciously looked at the door opposite.

The landlord's grandmother said that no one lived on the fourth floor, which made her feel at ease.


No one lives in the door, why is it an iron door?

She was a little depressed.

And it looks like it's still a very solid iron door,

Why hers is a broken wooden door...

The little girl pouted.

After being depressed for a while, she stood up, closed the door,

Then he took a set of clothes and went into the bathroom.

She had cleaned too much just now, and she was covered in sweat and dust. She had to wash.

After Mu Qiusheng came out of the shower,

Gu Li has already arrived.

He led a few professional-looking masters, moved a thick iron door, and waited at the door.

When Mu Qiusheng opened the door and saw him, his face was a little dark, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Shengsheng, this is what you said, a very good place?"

"..." Mu Qiusheng groaned, touched his nose, a little embarrassed,

"The place is indeed a bit run-down, but fortunately... it's clean!"

"The landlord's grandma said that the people in this building are all white-collar workers. They leave early and return late, and everyone doesn't make much noise."

"And...the main thing is that the rent is cheap."

Mu Qiusheng added in a low voice.

She had just started working, and she didn't have any money with her.


She doesn't want to trouble him every time...

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