The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1241 Can I knock on your door (19)


the next day.

Mu Qiusheng left the house early, ready to go to work.

before going down the stairs,

She habitually glanced at the opposite door again.

The opposite door was still closed tightly, and it was very quiet.

She stood there watching for a few seconds, then went downstairs and left.

After entering the company and sitting on the seat,

Just as Mu Qiusheng put down his bag, Lin Yue walked over,

"Mumu, has the Ghost Chi been updated?" Mu Qiusheng nodded confidently,

"He updated it at 7:30 last night."

"Also updated thirty chapters in one go."

The little girl raised three fingers, her tail was so obviously happy that she was about to raise her head.

Lin Yue stopped talking.

Looking at her, I don't know what to think.

Mu Qiusheng blinked his eyes, and immediately stood up winkingly,

"Of course, these are all because of your good teaching, Sister Lin, and the credit is still yours."

"Ghost Chi's grades are naturally still in your hands. I'll be in charge of his updates. Would you like to take a look?"

She is very sensible and authentic.

Lin Yue raised her eyebrows, looked her up and down,

at last,

She laughed, turned around, and knocked on Chen Yuan's table,

"Xiaoyuan, give back to Mumu the new author who was previously distributed to her."

Mu Qiusheng's eyes lit up.

After getting the list of new authors,

She bowed excitedly, grinning, "Thank you, Sister Lin, I will definitely do a good job!"

Lin Yue nodded slightly.

Soon, she turned around and entered the office,

He didn't intend to snatch the ghost back any more.

Mu Qiusheng looked at her back, heaved a sigh of relief, and sat back in his seat.

"Hey... the first rank of the official ranks crushes people to death..."

Zhou Mei sat beside her and sighed.

The editor-in-chief is more powerful than a small editor.

The author you want, grab it if you say it, it's really...

"Forget it~ I didn't deserve the money in the first place."

Mu Qiusheng smiled, but his heart was very big.

"Besides, Ghost Chi's re-update actually has nothing to do with me. Maybe he was in a good mood and suddenly re-updated, right?"

She rested her chin and looked honest.

Zhou Mei was surprised, "Huh? Didn't he change it because you were stalking me?"

"……of course not."

Mu Qiusheng bulged her cheeks, depressed,

"I really want to stalk, but... people don't reply to me, and I keep sending messages myself, which is meaningless."

Zhou Mei looked down at her phone,

"Huh? Ghost Chi, he inserted a love line?"

"...A Sheng?"

She was silent, and looked up at Mu Qiusheng for a moment.

As the editor of the romance group, Zhou Mei seemed to sense something was wrong.

Ghost Chi, who never writes love lines, suddenly changed his mind after getting to know Mumu for two days, and inserted an ambiguous love line?

Zhou Mei stroked her chin and stared at Mu Qiusheng thoughtfully.

Mu Qiusheng was a little uncomfortable being stared at by her strange eyes, "What... why?"

"...You don't think that Ah Sheng wrote about me, do you?"

She was a little speechless,

"I haven't spoken a few words to him in total, and we don't even know each other. How could it be me?"

"I've asked him this question too, and I can't figure out what he means, but I think he probably has someone he likes."

Mu Qiusheng shrugged.

"..." Zhou Mei looked at her with a gossipy smile on her face, but said nothing.

Her intuition told her that something was wrong.

But what wasn't right, she couldn't tell.

at last,

She curled her lips boredly, spread her hands,

"Okay, if it's not you, it's not you."

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