The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 125: The Boss Is Very Autistic (55)

Chapter 125: The Boss Is Very Autistic (55)


The boy opened his eyes all of a sudden, his moist pupils trembled slightly and rippled.

There is a soft and clear touch on the cheeks, and there is a sweet milk fragrance at the tip of the nose.

Little Fragment quietly stared at the face of the girl who was close at hand, his eyes flickered, and the raging enthusiasm surged from his heart to his forehead,

He subconsciously clenched the quilt, curled up on his toes, his dark eyes were wet,

A ravaged look.

After Fusheng kissed her, she got up and saw him like this.

"Puff..." Fusheng laughed unconsciously.

"Ayan is so cute."

Fusheng's soft voice evoked slightly, with a hint of teasing.

"This is a reward for you~"

Fu Sheng smiled and found an excuse for her shamelessness.

"..." The boy silently looked at the girl without saying a word,

A pair of beautiful and extremely clean eyeballs are shining,

It was obvious that he was very happy.

After a while, he raised his head and kissed Fusheng's little cheek lightly.

"Courtesy... Reciprocity is a courtesy."

Little Fragment stuttered with red ears.

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the quilt, covered his head, curled up into a ball,

It seems to be trying to hide the truth,

"Sleep... sleep."

The young man's gentle voice came from under the quilt in a low voice, with a bit of soft shyness.

"..." Fusheng blinked her eyes and laughed softly.

She didn't say anything, just lifted the quilt and got in.

He hugged the boy, honestly, and didn't move any more.

If you play any more, innocent Dabai will turn into a boiled crab.

Fu Sheng raised her lips secretly.


【……here I am……】

The group said with a sigh,

A villain who values ​​sex over friends!

"Look out for me, and remind me if someone comes."

【……knew. 】

The group was weak.

Fu Sheng yawned, hugged the boy tightly, and quickly fell asleep.


The person in his arms was silent, so Fu Yan turned his face slightly,

Afraid of boring the girl, the boy carefully pulled back the quilt, revealing her little head.

The room is quiet, and the pale pink decoration is very warm.

Fu Yan stared at the girl's sleeping face for a long time, his soft eyes were full of joy.

He gently stretched out his hand and touched the girl's soft little face,

Eyes full of cherishment.

he really...

I really like Guaisheng.

Little Shard unconsciously bent his eyes.

He didn't know how long he looked at it before he closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, with a bit of satisfaction.


In the room, there was gradually the sound of light and shallow breathing.


Dumplings are a bit boring.

It keeps switching the scenes in the mirror,

Everything is safe and sound.

"Oh..." Tuanzi yawned,

It is also a little sleepy.

But thinking of the task Fusheng entrusted to it, Tuanzi cheered up.

To pass the time, it picked up "The Arrogant Young Master Long Falls in Love with Me" beside it, and read it with relish.

Hmm, it's still more interesting.

Tuanzi Meimei turned in a circle.



outside the room,

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps.

Fu Yan opened his eyes instantly.

The tender and youthful feeling disappeared, and a pair of dark phoenix eyes were extremely cold.

He moved his head slightly, looking at everything in front of him without emotion,

Like an emotionless robot.

Feeling the soft touch in his hand, Fu Yan slowly lowered his eyes, and when he saw the girl who was still sleeping soundly, he paused,

The coldness in his eyes faded away.

The memory in his mind came, telling him everything that happened to the other personality.

Good night~Mijiu~

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