The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1259 OK, knock on your door (37) (Gageng)


She took a small request as a gift to secretly attract him.

Yunze's reaction was still slow.

He blinked and said nothing.

In the blank eyes, it seems that he is still thinking about the meaning of her words.

after awhile,

Just when Mu Qiusheng thought that such a method would not work, the man suddenly made a move.

He stared at her face without blinking, and moved closer little by little.

As if to finish something that was not done just now, I want to kiss her.

Mu Qiusheng's heart skipped a beat instantly.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her heartbeat started to speed up unconsciously.

In the quiet air, the distance between the two people is getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere has become more and more ambiguous.

when kissing,

Mu Qiusheng clenched her hands tightly, her cheeks blushed completely.

Her heart was beating violently, and her voice was thumping, as if it was about to jump out in the next second.

The man's dark eyeballs reflected her face, still dull,

However, he seemed very happy, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

Probably because the girl's acquiescence made him feel something, he kissed and kissed lightly, very gently.

when it is time to leave,

His dull eyes seemed to light up,

Then, he continued to bury her in her arms and hugged her tightly.

Mu Qiusheng didn't speak.

His eyes flickered, his body was slightly stiff.

The atmosphere in the air became more and more subtle.

after a long time,

The blushing little girl took a deep breath, squeezed his hand,

"But... can... start writing?"

She stammered, still seemed shy.

I want to push him away, keep a little distance,

I was also afraid that he would get sick again, and then change back to his original appearance.

She had to straighten up stiffly, urging him.

The person in my arms stayed for a long time,

Probably got what he wanted, he looked much better this time,

Slowly leaning against her, and then began to type.

His coding speed is not fast, and he seems to be a little absent-minded.

Type slowly, with long pauses from time to time.

Mu Qiusheng had nothing to do, so he stared at him writing.

The biggest advantage of being able to sit next to the author is,

She can see the development direction of the plot at the first time and get spoilers.

She didn't bother him either, and kept watching quietly.

Slowly, Yunze's state seemed to be back,

The typing speed also gradually increased.

Different from his usual slow-moving temperament,

In the article, his thinking is fast and clear.

Especially... when it comes to Ah Sheng.

He used a lot of rhetoric to describe such a character, and almost half of her appearance needed to be modified.

He seems to be particularly fond of writing A Sheng,

Write about her appearance, appearance, and personality.

Like crazy, he wrote the supernatural horror essay as a romantic trend.

The more Mu Qiusheng looked at it, the more stunned he became, the more he looked at it, the more dumbfounded he became,

at last,

She suddenly pressed his typing hand and fell silent.

If you had this feeling faintly before,

Now, she should be able to guess who A Sheng's prototype is...

She pursed her lips, looked at Yunze, hesitated,


"you like me?"

She was a little confused,

Really, is it that kind of like?

Yunze's eyeballs moved slightly.

He turned his head mechanically and stared straight at her, his lips slowly opened, gently, without making a sound, he didn't know what he was talking about.

He seemed to be just muttering to himself, and seemed to be answering her question,

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