The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1261 Can I knock on your door (39)


"If you can weigh one hundred and twenty, one hundred and thirty catties, then we'll be together, okay?"

She looked straight at him, serious.

Yunze was stunned again.

The reaction time this time will take longer.

He stared at her blankly, blinking slowly, as if thinking about her words.

Thinking bit by bit, trying very hard to keep up with her.

Mu Qiusheng was not in a hurry, hugged him, stroked his head, and let his shoulders relax.

He has been severely hunchbacked from being huddled in the closet for a long time.

The whole back is bent, like an old man.

Mu Qiusheng pouted slightly, looking a little dissatisfied,

She was wondering how she could help straighten his back.

Too much curvature and it's very bad for the spine.

another day,

I have to take him to the hospital for a physical examination to see what's wrong with him.


A hoarse and cracked voice sounded softly, with a bit of effort.

Mu Qiusheng's train of thought was suddenly interrupted.

She was stunned, and looked at Yunze.

Yunze seemed to be trying very hard to pronounce, his Adam's apple rolled slightly and made a hissing sound.

His dark eyeballs stared at her unblinking, and the bottom of his pupils shone slightly.

The lips are open, once closed, and seem to want to say a few more words.

Mu Qiusheng leaned his ears to listen.


The man said word by word, in an extremely slow voice,

"like you……"

"Will... want... to be... male... male... friend... friend..."

He said at the end, obviously reached the limit,

His body began to tremble uncontrollably, and his breathing became unstable, as if he was showing signs of illness again.

Mu Qiusheng immediately pressed him into her arms with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

She patted him on the back, relieving him bit by bit,

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, don't worry..."

She patted and coaxed slowly, for fear that something might happen to him again.

The man stayed in her arms, trembling, whining softly,

With her best efforts to appease,

He gradually calmed down and calmed down.

Like a dynamite package that might explode anytime and anywhere, she needs to be under her care to be safe.

After Mu Qiusheng comforted him, he coaxed him to get on the weighing scale.

This name is simply scary.

A man who is 1.8 meters tall actually only weighs about 75 catties.

She was dry and thin, and her face was completely disfigured.

Mu Qiusheng frowned tightly, held his face in his hands, and said seriously,

"Starting today, you must eat three meals a day normally."

"I'm in charge of cooking, you are in charge of eating, don't lose your temper and don't eat, you know?"

"We'll be together when you gain one hundred and thirty catties, shall we?"

She was very serious, with a straight face,

"Nod your head if you agree, and shake your head if you don't agree."

Yun Ze was stunned for a moment.

A few minutes later,

He nodded slowly and gently,

Looks very well behaved.

Only then was Mu Qiusheng satisfied.

"Wait until you gain weight and you like me."

She helped him off the scale, and then continued to let him type on the computer.

Because I know his feelings,

So when Mu Qiusheng saw that he wanted to continue writing about A Sheng, he fell silent and didn't speak any more.

Although he still felt a little uncomfortable, she couldn't stop him from writing if he wanted to.



Mu Qiusheng wanted to nourish Yunze's body, so he searched for ingredients from the box and chest.

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