The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1268 OK, knock on your door (46) (Gageng)


The man froze, stepped back instantly, looked at her in horror, his body began to tremble.

He shrank back, blocked the light, and avoided her in fear, and the frightened hiss sounded again.

His thin cheeks were full of wariness and fear of her, and his breath began to be unstable, his chest fell on the ground, panting heavily, as if he had already panicked to the extreme,

A shocking strange sound erupted in an instant,

Like a frightened baby animal, it almost hid in a corner to ensure its own safety.

Yunling panicked all of a sudden, she withdrew her hand, not daring to go forward again,

"Aze, don't be afraid, Aze, I am my sister."

She looked at Mu Qiusheng with some help.

Mu Qiusheng immediately hugged the crazily trembling man, rubbed his head skillfully,

"Aze? Aze is not afraid, I am Mumu."

"Mumu is holding you, not afraid, not afraid."

She looked at Yun Ling with some worry, worrying about the next situation,

Yunze still rejects the outside world like this,

Therefore, his condition cannot be rushed...

Yunze leaned against her arms, panting heavily, almost suffocating.

Because of fear, he hugged her waist tightly, whimpered, trembling to the extreme,

Mu Qiusheng had no choice but to hug him tightly, and slowly put him on his back, letting him slow down by himself.

"It's okay...that's your sister..."

She whispered softly,

"Aze is not afraid, my sister will not hurt you."

The man holding her tightly trembled and didn't speak,

Buried in her arms, whimpering softly, seemed a little wronged.

Mu Qiusheng sighed, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Sister about you go and make the bed first—"

Mu Qiusheng wrinkled his nose suddenly, and didn't continue talking.

She forgot that the bed next door had a strong musty smell and had to be washed.

But it is impossible for Yunze to go back to sleep in the closet,

He managed to get away for a while,

Going back... Wouldn't all previous efforts be for naught?

The little girl hesitated.

Yun Ling seemed to know what she was thinking, and hurriedly said,

"Then I'll make the bed, and you bring Aze back."

"Don't worry, we still have clean quilts at home, I'll just change them."

Mu Qiusheng looked down at the shivering man, and was about to nod.

However, she suddenly felt that her hand was being grasped tightly, as if holding a life-saving straw, with a bit of anxiety.

Mu Qiusheng was taken aback.

The trembling and terrified man hugged her tightly and didn't speak.

His lips were slightly parted, wriggling non-stop, as if he wanted to say something.

He was trying very hard to make a sound, but the more anxious he became, the less he could make a sound.

Finally, his body convulsed, almost convulsing.

Mu Qiusheng hurriedly patted his back gently, very patiently,

"It's okay, it's okay, Aze is not in a hurry, just tell me, I'll listen."

She winked at Yunling,

Yun Ling accepted, and walked out gently.

There were only the two of them left in the room.

Yunze opened his mouth, his Adam's apple rolled slightly,

Because I was anxious, I coughed twice.

Mu Qiusheng didn't rush him, but patted his back and listened quietly.

After about two or three minutes,

All he could hear was the voice he tried to make,

"...No...No...Let's go..."

"Want... want... you... are..."

"..." Mu Qiusheng was stunned.

She subconsciously looked into his eyes.

His eyes were still dull black,

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