The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 128: The Boss Is Very Autistic (58)

Chapter 128: The Boss Is Very Autistic (58)


[...Miss, are you pretending to be pitiful? 】

"Hush! Don't spoil my sad mood."

Tuanzi: ………

"May I?"

Fusheng looked at Gu Qianjiao, her eyes were slightly red, like a pitiful little rabbit.

Gu Qianjiao's heart softened all of a sudden, and she teased Long Aotian,

" see..."

When Fu Yan heard that Fu Sheng's voice was wrong, he frowned, he let go of Fu Sheng, and held her little face instead,

Under the soft long eyelashes, there were ripples in the dark and calm eyes, with obvious distress.

"Don't cry."

The boy finally spoke.

Fu Sheng paused, blinked his eyes,

The eyes that just wanted to come out suddenly retracted.

She forgot that Dabai hated seeing her cry the most, as soon as she cried, he would be unhappy.

"I didn't cry."

Fu Sheng said quietly.

Seeing that she really didn't cry, Fu Yan let go of her hand in satisfaction, and hugged her stickily, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

Seeing that the fire in Long Aotian's eyes was about to burn out,

For some reason, he always disliked this little brat who came out of nowhere.

"I think... you can try it."

The old gentleman who had never spoken all this time suddenly said,

As a grandfather, he naturally couldn't bear the unhappiness of his granddaughter who just came back.

And, as a man, he knows best what this young boy's eyes represent.

Obviously, his feelings for Fu Sheng are unusual,

Such a person is best controlled.

What's more, from a businessman's point of view, this young man is definitely not someone in the pool.

If cultivated well...

Not sure, it will help the development of the Long family.

The old gentleman took a look at his wife. The old lady understood immediately that they had been married for many years.

"Fu Yan, since your parents are gone, if you want, you can stay at Long's house and stay with Shengsheng."

The old lady spoke slowly.

"But can you guarantee that in the future, you will never do anything harmful to the Long Family?"

"Mom—" Long Aotian somewhat disagreed,

"He's a man, wouldn't it be nice to be with Shengsheng?"

"Although they are still young, there are differences between men and women—"


Fusheng suddenly spoke crisply, and called out softly to Long Aotian, interrupting him.

"Is it good~"

Fusheng prolongs the ending on purpose, like a small hook, piercing the heart.

Long Aotian:!

"'s not impossible."

Long Aotian coughed lightly, then twitched all of a sudden,


"...well, I have no objection."

Long Aotian suddenly turned his head, his childish appearance made everyone laugh unconsciously.

The atmosphere in the living room began to ease.

"Will do."

The young man who had been silent all this time spoke suddenly, with a firm voice.

The people looked at him,

"I know what you mean."

Fu Yan raised his eyes, his phoenix eyes were cold, with a somewhat imperceptible coldness,

"I also understand your concerns."

"But whether you agree or not, I will not leave her."

"If she is here, I will be here."

Fu Yan stood up, looked at everyone coldly,

And then back to Fusheng again,

Different emotions rolled in the dark and secretive eyes, dangerous and extremely gentle.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, and was about to say something.

However, the young man slowly knelt down on one knee, took one of her hands devoutly, and gave her a solemn and polite kiss,

Like a western aristocrat, elegant and luxurious.

Even though he was wearing simple clothes, he had a calm demeanor that was convincing.

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