The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1336 Allowing you to be the next generation (48) (plus more)

Chapter 1336 Allowing you to be the next generation (48) (plus more)


Two tender white hands lightly hit his shoulders, like tickling,

She's delicate and easy to bully.

The man stared at her fiercely,

The sight gradually shifted from her eyebrows to her lips,

Further down, there is a slender and fair neck.

Because wearing pajamas,

So her thin body can be seen at a glance,

Perhaps it was because of a serious illness last year,

She is thin and small,

Although the face is a bit fleshy,

But overall, it's still a little too light.

Jun Chuying slowly grasped her slender wrist and looked at it steadily.

after awhile,

He kissed quietly, then took her hand.

"I will, fatten you up."

He whispered softly, his eyes were tender.

"Wait until you get fat, then eat it."

The sleeping little girl seemed to feel something, her long eyelashes trembled,

She pouted slightly, mumbled,

Continue to lean into his arms and hug.

Such an unconscious move,

It seems to have done it thousands of times, familiar to the depths of the soul.


He should be sleeping beside her,

The two of them slept together.

Jun Chuying curled his lips slightly, pulled the quilt up for her, and hugged her tightly.

He looked at her for a long time,

Until the sky has begun to pale slightly,

He slowly closed his eyes without moving.



Yun Fusheng felt that he had come to a place.

She walks alone in the paleness of the sky,

It was empty all around, and there was no one there.

When the hazy white mist around her touched her, it would automatically disperse and make way for a path.

She was lost, alone, overwhelmed.

Her dress also changed,

The white and soft skirt has only half sleeves,

It is comfortable to wear, but shows the arms and calves.

Yun Fusheng was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to cover herself.

She knelt down, looked around blankly, and whispered,

"Where am I...?"

She vaguely remembers,

He lay in A Ying's arms and fell asleep.

Aying also told her, what a dream.


Is she dreaming?

The little girl woke herself up subconsciously.


She hasn't pulled it yet,

The little balls of light in her heart floated out in rows.

They are like children, surrounding her body, as soon as they touch, they will stick to them.

One hugs the thigh, the other hugs the calf, and the other hugs the ankle, arm, cheek,

It is sticky and soft, which is very pleasing.

Yun Fusheng tilted his head slightly, watching.

A small ball of light hugged one of her little fingers and tugged at her.

Seems to want her to move forward.

Seeing the girl's puzzled eyes look over,

It seems to start shy,

Rolling shyly in her palm, the milk is too much.

The other little light groups were immediately unhappy,

They all started to tease her,

It's like competing for favor.

Yun Fusheng was tickled by them, couldn't help laughing,

"Who are you guys?"

She touched one of them and stood up.

do not know why,

As soon as she saw them, she was suddenly not afraid of this place.

It was as if they gave her a great sense of security.

Xiao Guangtuan naturally couldn't speak.

They rubbed against her, sticky, trying to pull her away.

Yun Fusheng looked ahead, hesitated for a moment,


She lifted her foot slowly and walked along the road.


The hazy white mist seems to be very human,

Automatically spread out and lead the way for her.

The little light groups also became more and more excited.

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