The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 169 I'll Protect You (24)

Chapter 169 I'll Protect You (24)


If it wasn't for the girl holding him,

He literally jumped up for joy and spun around three times!

No, it's ten circles! ! !

The silly man couldn't stop grinning,

The scarred face is wrinkled and looks a little shocking,

Like a ghost.

But he didn't realize it himself, and kept leaning towards the girl's face,

Looks like I'm thinking about that again,

"..." Fu Sheng lowered his head helplessly and "Qin" touched his lips,

Hands slowly caressed his head,

The fingertips slowly circulated spiritual energy,

The gentle spiritual power of pale pink quietly flowed into the man's mind,


and the man fell silent,

Slowly closed his eyes.

He hugged Fusheng, his lips were still slightly hooked,

Obviously, had a good dream.

Fu Sheng waited for a while,

Feeling that he was really asleep, she gently pushed him away,

Get out of bed.

[Miss, are you leaving again? 】

The dumpling doesn't feel very good, [If you leave again... will the pieces...]

"What are you thinking about!" Fusheng carefully adjusted Qin Xu's posture,

let him lie flat,

The face full of burns reflected the moonlight slightly falling by the window, clearly and completely exposed,

It looks even more shocking.

"I think..." Fusheng gently touched his face, his eyes were full of distress,

"Try and see if you can heal him."

[……… Do you dislike fragments? 】

The group felt a little weird,

Looking at the female doll, it doesn't look like she doesn't like fragments...

The indulgence that should be given is not less,

Even, treating this piece of debris is simply obedience!

Seeing it is a little envious.


Fu Sheng rolled his eyes, a little speechless about its thoughts,

"His face, you can tell at a glance that the wound has not been treated well before, and you can see that it has deteriorated beyond recognition."

"If you don't deal with it, I don't know if he hurts himself, but I definitely do."

Still the kind that hurts so much.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips, looked down at his sleeping face,

Fingertips are gentle.

【Oh...】It's the kind of feeling that you can't see the one you love is sick...

The group seems to have a feeling,

Human emotions are really complicated,

It has to study hard!

Tuanzi quickly took out a small notebook and wrote it down.



Fu Sheng put her hands on the man's cheeks on both sides,

Slowly activate the spiritual power in the body.

The spiritual power is mild and full of vitality,

Touching Qin Xu's scarred face lightly stimulated the regeneration of the skin.


A few pieces of dark black dead skin fell off the man's face,

Some potholes have obviously calmed down,

It looks a little better.

But Fusheng slowly panted,

On the forehead and back, bean big sweat oozes,

The originally rosy little face also became extremely pale, and the blood on the lips was a little less,

Obviously, it was the excessive operation of spiritual power.

[Miss! You should stop! ! 】

Tuanzi looked very worried,

"..." Fu Sheng suddenly felt a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat,

She couldn't hold back for a moment, turned around and vomited out,

The bright red blood "tick-tock-tick" fell on the wooden floor,

It looks scary.

[Miss! ! ! ! 】

Tuanzi screamed, 【How are you all right? How are you? ! ! ! 】

"...It's okay," Fusheng subconsciously touched her head,

"Don't head hurts from yelling."

【...Oh! ] Tuanzi quickly covered his mouth,

"It's okay," Fu Sheng looked at the pool of blood on the ground, wiped his lips,

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