The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 177 I'll Protect You (33)

Chapter 177 I'll Protect You (33)



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[Miss, come on, victory is in sight! 】

The group was visibly excited.

It clenched its fists tightly, feeling that the road ahead was bright.

Although the reason is still puzzling, it is undeniable that,

Once the girl doll came, it was really easier to take over the fragments,

One of the big problems in its heart can therefore be easily solved.

Tuanzi admires Fusheng from the bottom of his heart.


Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, expressing his understanding.

Since it is her man, she will naturally work hard.



After finishing the group,

Fusheng still didn't feel sleepy,

She touched the man's face and felt something was wrong.

With a light push,

A piece of dead skin peeled off.

Fusheng:! !

"what's the situation?"

After the dead skin was peeled off, there was a new piece of skin, which was white and slightly pink.

Seems to be recovering pretty well.

"I haven't treated him today?"

Fu Sheng was pleasantly surprised and a little confused.

Could it be...

Is it because of the peaches?

Fu Sheng grabbed her hair back,

Smooth and smooth, with a touch of floral fragrance.

【……It should be that your hair is also a part of your cultivation, it was eaten by the fragments, and then it was absorbed by him by accident. 】

Tuanzi flipped through the Encyclopedia of Demon Laws and gave this explanation.

"Is it like this?"

Fu Sheng rolled his eyes, weighed his hair volume, his eyes sparkled.

"if it is like this……"

Now she is very confident that Dabai will be cured soon!

[By the way, Miss, I found the Recovery Pill. 】

Tuanzi clicked on the mirror and passed the elixir it found into it.

for a moment,

An exquisite small bottle appeared in Fusheng's hand, it was corked, but there was a faint cool smell in it.

【This elixir should work on your wounds. 】

This is what it managed to hide...

The heart of the dumpling is bleeding, (▼皮▼#)

But remembering that the female doll was injured by the fragments, it can only reluctantly part with it...

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes,

Open the bottle and pour out the medicine inside.

It is a very pure white ball, still shining slightly, and there is a faint and gentle atmosphere around it,

It seems to be very effective.

"Duanzi, can I give this to Dabai?"

Fusheng looked at Qin Xu, then stared at this little pill,

【ah? ! 】

Duanzi was stunned, [This is for monsters, so it can’t be given to people, right? 】

"Then do you have recovery pills for people to eat?"

Fusheng's little face was full of anticipation,


Tuanzi scratched his head, a little embarrassed,

It is a monster itself, so naturally it only likes to collect rare treasures from monsters.

Collector's... It's useless...

Tuanzi expressed powerlessness.

"That's great..." Fu Sheng lowered his head in disappointment, "Thank you anyway..."

The girl glanced at the ball in her hand with regret, and opened her mouth to swallow it.

Pills are very spiritual,

It seemed that knowing that Fusheng's body was injured, it slipped and melted into her throat.

The fusheng has not yet tasted anything,

A feeling of dizziness rushed to his forehead in an instant.

As if someone took her around 3,600 times,

In the next second, Fu Sheng fell quietly into Qin Xu's arms, closed her eyes tightly,

Lost consciousness.


Tuanzi witnessed the whole process, sighed faintly, with a distressed tone,

[I don’t know how much cultivation this pill can make you break through...]

[I don't know if I can find Wang Shang to make up for it... Hey, hey. 】

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