The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 185 I'll Protect You (41)

Chapter 185 I'll Protect You (41)



Fu Sheng:? ?

"Don't tell me you fell asleep!?"

Fu Sheng roared,


Fusheng: "..." It's dead!

Also, she is also dead... (_)

Fu Sheng looked at Qin Xu, a little at a loss.

A gust of cold wind suddenly blows, making the peach trees whirr

The man under the tree seemed to shrink unconsciously,

Seeing that Fu Sheng frowned,

I can't even think of an explanation.

She bent down to hug the man gently.

The man also seemed to feel something, and he naturally got close to the girl's soft body.

Fusheng gently picked him up and walked towards the main hall.

He didn't notice the slight curvature of the lips of the man in his arms.



Fusheng carefully put him on the bed, helped him take off his shoes, and then lay down himself.

As soon as I lie down,

The man at the side hugged her limbs like an octopus in an instant, and the warm breath between his nostrils spit out gently on her cheeks, a little itchy.

Fu Sheng touched it unconsciously,

Turning around to see that he was still soundly asleep, she leaned over and gave him a mouthful,

Then he closed his eyes in peace.

Although she wasn't sleepy at all, she could still fall asleep with a lot of effort.

Fu Sheng grasped the man's hand contentedly,

Slowly let yourself go.



It wasn't until the girl's breathing gradually became even that the man who seemed to be asleep just now slowly opened his eyes.

There was no sleepiness in the clear and dark eyes.

He quietly stared at her side face, his phoenix eyes were deep and dark, like a wild wolf about to attack, with a strong predatory aura.

The girl's little face in the dark is so white that it glows, looking soft, like the most beautiful cloud in the sky.

Under the delicate and delicate nose, the pale pink lips are slightly closed, faintly exuding the faint fragrance of flowers.

Qin Xu's big hand slowly "M. . . o ". Going up, caressing it non-stop, as if pity and restraint.

"If you dare not come back..."

The man murmured in a low voice, "I just..."

"Cut down that tree."

Qin Xu's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and flashed fiercely.

But Fusheng was already fast asleep and couldn't hear anything.

She closed her eyes quietly, her whole body was like a beautiful porcelain doll, so exquisite that it was outrageous.

Only the slight ups and downs of her chest indicated her vitality.

Qin Xu hugged her tightly, as if hugging a life-saving log,

After a long time, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The two of them fell asleep under the silence of the cold palace.



when the sun rises,

Fu Sheng didn't wake up naturally, but was woken up by a sharp pain in his chest.

She opened her eyes abruptly,

Spit a mouthful of blood towards the bed,

The thick and fragrant blood spread instantly on the ground, and the peach tree outside the door also shed many green leaves in an instant.

It fell to the ground and lost its vitality in an instant.

"Good Sheng?" Qin Xu, who had been holding her all the time, felt the movement,

He sat up and looked at Fusheng clutching his chest with blood on the corner of his mouth, the calm and breezy appearance of the past disappeared, replaced by panic and nervousness,

"You... what's wrong with you?"

Qin Xu touched the corner of her lips with trembling hands, and his slightly flickering eyes were full of bewilderment.

"'s okay..." Fu Sheng wanted to smile at him, but

But the pain in the chest was really too much, as if a knife had been stabbed in hard and turned around twice.

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