The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 188 I'm here to protect you (44) (add more for your rewards!)

Chapter 188 I'm here to protect you (44) (add more for your rewards!)


It felt like there were two forces fighting, and she was the one who was accidentally injured.

Fu Sheng's complexion was extremely pale,

If it wasn't for Qin Xu's support, she wouldn't have the strength to stand up now.

Standing behind the crowd, Qin Xing was taken aback by Fu Sheng's ability,

It turned out that no matter how many rumors he had heard about monsters, seeing once was worse than hearing a hundred things.

"Master," Qin Ting's eyes were full of eager light, "Hurry up!"

The previous rumors were true.

There are indeed heresies hidden in the cold palace.

"Master, you go too!" Qin Si was also in a hurry, hiding aside and directing,

This opportunity is so good,

As long as the female monster was killed by someone he brought, the credit will belong to him!

Qin Si "slapped" in his heart, thinking about small calculations.

However, as soon as the words fell, a piercingly cold gaze looked over, with a monstrous killing intent raging,

Qin Si trembled, feeling as if he was being targeted by a terrifying beast.

Qin Xu wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and looked at the faces of all the people present one by one. Their faces were so cold that they looked like ghosts lurking in the dark.

he swore

All those who have hurt Gua Sheng,

he must,

Let them die! ! !

In the man's dark and prey eyes, the anger was rolling like a violent storm, wanting to destroy everything.

While comforting Qin Xu, Fusheng looked at the talisman papers in the hands of the two Taoist priests, feeling nervous.

With her cultivation base, apart from being able to stun ordinary people, she can't resist those Taoist priests at all.

Coupled with the fact that they pasted a talisman on her body, she can't go back now...

Fusheng unconsciously grabbed Qin Xu's hand, with serious eyes,

"Guy Sheng is actually... very scared, right..." The man behind him collected his expression, and he tried his best to restrain himself from whispering in her ear in a gentle tone,

Following Fu Sheng's line of sight,

Qin Xu stared closely at the two Taoist priests, with a hint of evil at the corner of his mouth,

The girl's weakness and discomfort are compared with the confidence of the Taoist priest opposite,

You can tell who wins and who loses at a glance.


Qin Xu slowly picked up the sword of the guard who fainted aside,

They want to get rid of Gua Sheng,

Then he will...


Qin Xu's graceful gentleness in the past disappeared, and his eyes were dark and full of evil.

He gently put the fusheng on the ground,

Then he raised his sword and walked towards the Taoist priest,

The sharp sword slashed lightly on the ground, carrying a strong sense of oppression.

Qin Ting, who witnessed all this, took a few steps back calmly,

Although I don't know who this person is,

But he was right, he had a very strong premonition,

He must be getting no benefit.

The young Taoist had never seen Qin Xu's gloomy appearance as if he had just come out of hell.

In the end, he was young, so frightened that he closed the compass in his hand, he raised his legs and wanted to run,

However, Qin Xu raised his sword and slammed it hard at the man,

In his cold eyes like a poisonous snake,

The extremely sharp sword hit the heart of the young Taoist priest,

Most of the long sword pierced his body coldly and mercilessly,

Just left him with an unbelievable look on his face,

It seemed that he never thought that just to kill a little demon, he would pay the price of his life forever.

Such a scene where a person's life is easily taken away,

Too shocking.

So much so that everyone present became tense in an instant.

The people brought by Qin Si were instantly killed, furious,

Pointing at Qin Xu viciously, he gave an order to the attendants beside him, "Come forward and kill him!"

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