The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 191 I'll Protect You (47)

Chapter 191 I'll Protect You (47)


So in the East Palace, everyone is doing their own duties with trepidation every day,

I'm afraid that one day, the prince's eyes will shift to them.

But people outside the palace don't know this,

All I know is that the prince has a cold temperament and a handsome appearance, and his gestures are like a gentleman from Moshang.

The unmarried women in the capital all regard him as the sweetheart in their dreams, and are eager to have a dreamy encounter with him.


In February of the twenty-first year of Apocalypse,

The East Palace issued a notice,

Invite practitioners from all over the world and those who have attainments in peach tree planting,

Any peach tree that can save the East Palace,

The prince will unconditionally agree to one of his demands.

As soon as the notice came out, the whole country was in an uproar.


On a certain street in the capital, solemn soldiers are maintaining the order of the crowd,

Protecting the freshly pasted red paper on the middle bulletin board.

Literate people squeezed in the front and read the contents of the notice aloud, while those behind pointed at the notice and talked about it.

Shi Tie passed by in a carriage,

He lifted the curtain, glanced at the notice quickly, his hands paused,

Seems to think of something, finally sighed.

"Enter the palace."

Shi Chen knocked on the wall of the lower carriage, beckoning to the driver.

"Yes, sir."

The coachman pulled the horse rope and turned at the intersection.



At this time, in the quiet and cold East Palace,

Everyone was doing their work quietly, for fear of disturbing the man in white in the garden.

The man was sitting under the dead peach tree as usual,

He gently watered the roots of the tree,

On the beautiful and cold face, a pair of dark and thick eyes were dull, like stagnant water without a trace of waves.

The breath on his body is full of sadness and loneliness, like a small animal licking its wound alone, whimpering,

No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find his master.

The man touched the peach tree tenderly,

The white and beautiful hands with fine joints caressed the black and smelly trunk of the peach tree, which looked particularly abrupt.

But when he touched lightly,

But there is a hint of lingering nostalgia like a lover.

Only when facing this peach tree,

Men have different expressions on their faces.

As soon as Shi Chen arrived, he saw Qin Xu's appearance.

He sighed softly, and shook the fan in his hand helplessly.

"Prince." Shi Ji stood far outside the garden, bending over and bowing.

Qin Xu paused, and the expression on his face returned to the cold and indifferent,

He glanced at Shi Ji emotionlessly, under his long eyelashes, his eyes were as dark as ghosts with a faintly surging evil spirit.

"Is something wrong?"

There was impatience in the man's frosty voice.

"Your Highness...haven't given up on this peach tree yet?"

"So what if you don't give up?" Qin Xu's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, a dark light flashed in his eyes,

"Shi Ji, you've crossed the line."

The man glanced at him lightly, with warning in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the fact that he owed Shi Ji a favor,

Based on what he just said,

He can die many times.

Qin Xu held the sword at the side, and quietly looked at the blade as thin as a hair,

It seems to be thinking how much human flesh must be cut for this knife to be blunt.

"Your Highness..." Shi Ji hesitated to speak,

He really admired Qin Xu, except that he was a bit gloomy and ruthless, and had a viper temper.

For the rest, whether it is intellect or strategy, he appreciates it very much,

Also very willing to make this friend.

But apparently, this friend now,

It seems to have become crazy.

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