The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 208 I'll Protect You (64)

Chapter 208 I'll Protect You (64)


There is only a pair of bloodthirsty coquettish red eyes, like the crimson moon above the dome, extremely cold, pulling the cold fairy into the abyss of magic.

He habitually walked into the garden and sat down beside the peach tree,

The hem of the snow-colored clothes moved slightly, revealing a delicate wrist bone, and the fingertips were white, without any warmth.

In the quiet garden, there were a few light coughs from time to time.

Occasionally, a passing servant passed by,

When they saw the prince, they saluted with horror on their faces, and left in a hurry.

No one dared to step into the garden.

Qin Xu stared blankly at the ground,

The slender and thick long eyelashes droop slightly,

In the long and narrow phoenix eyes, the cold crimson color slowly faded away, leaving only a hollow pupil, like an old dry well, without any emotion.

He coughed lightly from time to time,

The pale crimson lips were a little whitish and peeled, and there was an abnormal redness on the face as clear as jade.

But the man sat quietly on the ground as if he didn't notice it.

Guard his peach tree.


Another black shadow passed by and stayed outside the garden,

get down on one knee,

"That Taoist... is dead."

"..." Qin Xu slowly raised his eyes, his cold and unruffled black eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person,

"How did you die?"

"He...has never passed the human pig test."

Hei Ying lowered his head and hesitated for a moment.

"Didn't I tell you, do you want to save his life?" Qin Xu looked at him emotionally, with a cold tone.

"...Yes... We didn't watch him, he bit his tongue and committed suicide."

The black shadow's body was stiff and motionless,

The Taoist priest is already very old, he has experienced skinning, and then cut off his flesh bit by bit from the limbs,

cut a piece every day,

Even a dead man with a strong mentality will not be able to bear it,

What's more... an ordinary person.

They would bite their tongues and kill themselves, which they had already thought of.

It's just... just because he was unprepared for a while, the Taoist priest...

Shadow lowered his head, quietly waiting for his own punishment.

"...Since he's dead..." Qin Xu coughed lightly again, with a hoarse voice.

"Then chop it up and use it as flower fertilizer."

can say that,

Karma is settled.

The man sneered, but the smile didn't reach his eyes,

"Also, let's chop his family together..."

"The whole family needs to be tidy..."

The low murmur was like a gust of wind, drifting coldly into Soi Ying's ears, carrying a chill.


Black Shadow secretly breathed a sigh of relief,

Soon it disappeared into the darkness.

"Ahem..." Qin Xu coughed more and more.

Thin blush stained his fair face, bringing a bit of charming charm to his cold and indifferent face.

A winter wind blows,

With a bone-piercing and ruthless chill, it blew on his thin snow-colored gown, making the blush on his face disappear a bit.

"Cough...cough cough..." Qin Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't feel the chill, he covered his chest with his palm, and slowly breathed.

Although the brain has been burnt to a paste, those clear eyes are still as indifferent as water, and the brow bone as clear as jade bamboo is full of dead silence.

Above the dark dome, a red moon hangs high, heralding that tonight is unusual.

[Miss, come on! Come on, young lady! 】

Tuanzi kept cheering for Fusheng.

That layer of confinement is already too soft.

Just like a few layers of silk screen, it only needs to be washed hard to get out.

Fusheng was also very nervous, she touched the layer,

Stretched out a little finger and picked it vigorously,

Soon, a small hole appeared.

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