The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 313 Willing to bow down for you (26)


"Fifth sister."

A flat and somewhat thick female voice came, interrupting her steps out of the palace.

Fu Sheng looked over,

The second princess, Yunfu, and the fourth princess, Yunqiang, walked over there.

They were dressed in somewhat similar court attire,

One had a smiling, courteous face, while the other had a cold, contemptuous expression.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, stood still, lowered her head slightly, "Second Sister, Fourth Sister."

Yunfu stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, and said gently, "Is Fifth Sister busy recently? Except for going to court, I don't see you on weekdays."

"Very busy." Fu Sheng nodded with deep feeling, and followed her words.

Every day, he either goes to the brothel or the palace,

Can you not be busy?

Yunfu raised her brows, a little surprised by her sincerity, "What is Fifth Sister up to?"

"I'm busy, I'm going to help my mother approve the official documents, the second sister is really confused, she even forgot such an obvious thing." Yun Qiang interjected a little bit strangely,

I don't know if he is mocking Yunfu or Fusheng.

"Fifth Sister is really lucky, she has won the favor of the Queen Mother."

Fu Sheng laughed out loud in an instant, as if she didn't hear the meaning of Yun Qiang's words, "I can't help it, why, I'm the Queen Mother's pistachio~"

The girl smiled and showed two small canine teeth, her appearance was obedient and soft,

She slowly patted Yunfu's hand, took a step back and saluted them, "Second Sister and Fourth Sister, I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you guys."

"If you're free some other day, my sister will definitely come to visit."

"You—" Yun Qiang was about to respond to her, but she didn't expect her to be so cunning, and her skin became thicker.

Fusheng ran away in a flash,

Sitting leisurely on the sedan chair, I feel so uncomfortable.

[...Miss, you really have the potential to be a street gangster. 】Big words without shame, thick-skinned.


Fu Sheng ate the snacks on the sedan chair and asked vaguely.

[No... nothing. 】

[You can eat, just eat happily. 】

"You mean me just now?" The girl naturally raised her legs while she was alone, with a relaxed expression on her face.

"I've watched a lot of palace fighting dramas before. They fight back and makes me feel very boring."

【……so? 】

"So, it's good to be clear. For some words, just listen to them and don't care."

"Anyway, no matter how they come secretly, I will change back openly."

"Who made me the little demon king?" Fu Sheng shrugged, satisfied with the identity of the original owner.

"It's a big deal, if you make a fuss with the emperor, they will definitely die worse than me."

The girl is complacent.

Tuanzi: […]




Fusheng returned to the mansion,

Continue to start her big business of raising money.

For several days in a row, she didn't go to Wanxiang Pavilion again.


In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of her absence and doing evil things to the fragments,

Fu Sheng specially sent a few trustworthy people there to secretly protect him,

By the way, send a message to Yuelin, let him live in peace, and she will redeem him soon.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 90%】



half a month later,

Fusheng collected enough money,

He ordered people to carry the money and move to the Banxiang Pavilion.

She didn't show up, instead she found someone to redeem Yuelin instead.

After all, her current status as a princess is too dazzling,

There are people watching up and down,

It's not easy for her to make it big.

He simply mixed in with the servants and followed him in.

[Miss, do you want to redeem the fragments too? 】

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