The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 345 How can I be willing to turn you into froth (4)


The sky was pitch black that day, and there was a hint of a storm coming.

Fu Sheng floated up from the water,

She wiped the sea water from her face, and put her hair behind her head,

All around is blackness,

It's all the sea,

It was silent.

Fusheng looked around, swimming around,


According to the plot,

Shouldn't she meet a ship at this time?

"Tuanzi, where's the boat?" Fu Sheng was stunned.

【……ah? You wait for me to see. 】

Tuanzi quickly switched scenes,

【What... Miss Sister, you seem to be here early, and the boat won't arrive until a while later. 】

Fu Sheng: "..."

"All right……"

She flicked the tail of the fish and floated on the water with ease,

The waves on the surface of the water rose slightly, driving her to float slowly.

She raised her head halfway, looking at the sky full of stars, the bright moon and the sky, with a calm face.

After a long time, she suddenly said,

"Duanzi, collect the fragments, how many pieces do you need to collect?"

【……ah? 】

Tuanzi was stunned and immediately reacted.

It hesitated for a moment, hesitatingly said,

[It... Actually, I don't know either. 】

[In short... probably, we haven't even collected half of them. 】

The group calculated carefully,

it reckons,

Now at most it can be regarded as a collection of hands.


[Miss sister, are you tired? 】

it asked suddenly.

"That's not true."

Fusheng stretched lazily, then spread her hands and immersed herself in the sea water,

Her bright eyes moved slightly, and she didn't know what to think of, and a smile slowly appeared in her eyes.

[Miss, here we come. 】

Tuanzi always pays attention to the movement over there.

[The boat is coming. 】

Fusheng immediately sank into the water,

With her face half exposed, she looked at the growing bright spot in the distance.

at this time,

The originally clear night slowly gathered dark clouds, the stars and the moon disappeared, followed by bursts of strong winds.

The plot started to develop.

Fu Sheng looked up at the sky,

Take a deep breath.

The bright spot is getting closer,

Gradually, a huge iron boat sailed over with a loud noise on the waves.

Fu Sheng backed away quickly,

She buried her whole body in the sea,

Try to hide yourself in the dark.

The boat was full of people,

The cheers of the people, the sound of singing and dancing,

Breaking the silence of this sea area.


It's the prince's birthday party,

People sang and danced to celebrate the prince.

Fu Sheng looked up,

Waiting quietly for the boat to capsize.

The wind is getting stronger,

The cold wind swished, and it desperately blew towards the boat,

The raindrops also gradually fell down.

There was a commotion among those who were having fun on the locks,

Move things to the boat room and transfer the venue.

The waves on the sea were also getting bigger and bigger, hitting the hull of the ship one after another, splashing huge waves.

Fu Sheng watched from a distance with a cold face.

When will the boat turn over...

She still wants to go back to sleep...


Xu felt Fusheng's thoughts,

God is more powerful,

A great wave rises,

Slapped hard towards the hull,

The boat rocked and began to unsteady,

It went up and down along the waves, and those who were too late to return to the lock room were holding on to the railings on the side, looking terrified.

Fusheng yawned slowly, glanced at it a few times,

"Which one is the prince? I don't think it looks like it."

[Miss Sister, don't worry... Anyway, the way of heaven will definitely let him fall into the water. 】


Fu Sheng continued to watch patiently,

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