The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 547 Come to My Arms (26)


The nature is not the same.

Mo Shang brightened his eyes, rubbed against her, and whispered,

"Because I found out that you are fine."

Good to,

He likes it very much.

He said silently in his heart.

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, but nodded seriously, quite agreeing,

"Naturally, I abducted... Bah, I brought you back, so I will treat you well."

"Then you will always be nice to me?"

The boy looked up at her with expectant eyes.

"Yes." Fu Sheng didn't hesitate.

"No matter who I am, will you treat me well?"

Fu Sheng nodded, "Yeah."


The boy stood on tiptoe and kissed again.

His eyes were soft, and he tried cautiously,

"Then...then it's settled, can't lie to others."

"Well, I won't lie to you."

Fusheng is a little funny,

"Can you let me go now and let me get dressed?"

she asked patiently.

Mo Shang bent the corners of his lips, stared at her brightly, and slowly let go.

Fu Sheng pinched his face conveniently, and then began to take out the middle coat and began to put it on.

When you get dressed,

The boy who had been staring at her happily embraced her again,

Although shy, but still hugged tightly.


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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 75%】



Same night.

In the border town near the large army of the magic army,

The orthodox monks are dressed in armor and ready to go.

Li Jin appeared together with the other four heads, all of them looked serious,

After explaining everything,

The five masters commanded five teams respectively, and set off towards the night.

The night attack on the demon army should be resolved quickly.

They've got the timing right.

The sentinels defending the city are being handed over.

Just wait for an order,

The troops hiding in the grass can come out in full force.

Li Jin stared at the distance,

It's now!

His raised hand slammed down,

Everyone received the order and approached silently.


inside the dungeon,

Bai Yan was interrogating the prisoner,

In no mood,

The spies rushed over, "Report to the commander-in-chief—the enemy's surprise attack! The enemy's surprise attack!"

Bai Yan frowned, and immediately left the dungeon,

"Where's Mo Ling?" He hurried on.

"The general has already confronted them." The spies quickly followed behind.

"Immediately count the troops and prepare to counterattack!"


outside the city walls,

There was chaos.



the other side,

The Mogong received the urgent letter and immediately reported it.

After reading the letter, Fu Sheng thought for a moment,

In the end, she just passed on the secret order and returned to the bedroom.

As long as Mo Shang does not appear,

She didn't worry at all that the magic army would be defeated.


Wake up tomorrow morning and watch the battle.

She has to go back and take care of the little ones.



Back to the bedroom,

Mo Shang has already laid down obediently,

He lay quietly in the bed, covered with a quilt, waiting for her to go to bed.

Fusheng didn't need to rest originally,

But because she followed his schedule, she also invisibly developed a good habit of sleeping at night.

take off your coat,

Fu Sheng went to bed and lay down.

The boy next to him quickly hugged him,

He rubbed her face affectionately, with a slightly dissatisfied tone,

"Why, go so long?"

She looked unhappy, like a concubine who fell out of favor in the harem.

There is quite a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Fu Sheng smiled, rubbed his head, and explained softly,

"Something happened just now, a little late."

"..." The boy was silent for a while,

Finally, he let out a low "hmm".

Be quiet for a while,

He suddenly looked up,

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