The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 689 The White Moonlight of the Tyrant (53)


The Ministry of Etiquette went through layers of physical examinations and screenings, and finally came up with a list of forty-nine young ladies.

Those who are selected will live in Xiuchun Palace from now on, waiting to be selected by the emperor.

On the first day of entering the palace,

As usual, the nurse in charge explained the rules of the palace to them.

In the middle of speaking,

Suddenly, the father-in-law next to the emperor came, holding an imperial edict in his hand.

"The decree arrives—"

the father-in-law shrieked.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come forward and accept the order—"

"Imperial decree? Could it be His Majesty... Ahhh, I'm so nervous..."

"Sister, your face is blushing!"

The ladies just memorized the rules, but they forgot them in an instant.

They whispered excitedly and knelt down.

"Quiet! Did you forget what I just told you?!"

Mammy snapped.

"..." The ladies suddenly fell silent.

"Following the heavens, the emperor ordered--"

"The draft is imminent. In order to save intrauterine expenses and reduce personnel turnover, the process is now simplified."

"After my consideration, the daughters of officials of the third rank and above are specially appointed as concubines. The first rank is the noble concubine, the second rank is the concubine, and the third rank is the concubine."

"Those who are below the third rank are all servant girls. Immediately assign them to each palace. This is your honor."

"..." The ladies looked at each other.

Your Majesty, this is...

Don't even look at it, just seal it?

"Girls, accept the order!" The eunuch who delivered the order reminded.

"...The daughter of the people received the order—"

The ladies bowed their heads.

After receiving the decree,

Forty-nine girls with spring hearts sprouting, some are happy and some are sad.

Among them, Bai Zhi, the prime minister's daughter with the highest status, became the envy of everyone.

No need to do anything, just relying on his father, he obtained the highest imperial concubine status.

You must know that there is no empress in today's sage, and there is no one in the harem.

In other words, once she entered, she took control of the entire harem,

The status is comparable to that of a queen.

All of a sudden, Bai Zhi was surrounded by people, all of whom were seeking refuge.

The imperial concubine was also crowned as the imperial concubine Wu Jing, and there were many people standing beside her, chirping to please her.

that night,

The people from the Shang Palace Bureau allocated residences for all the newly appointed concubines.

Baizhi was assigned to Qingtan Hall,

Wu Jing was assigned to Xianglan Hall.

Go down in turn.

Everything went smoothly and harmoniously.

Sitting in front of the mirror, Tuanzi let out a long sigh.

It appears that the Fragments are doing great.

It's not in vain that Madam spent so much effort to go against the sky.

Thinking like this,

Tuanzi confidently stuffed the mirror back into his small pocket.



On the day of concubine concubine,

The emperor did not flop.

On the second day, the third day and the fourth day, he didn't even step into the harem.

Seems to have completely forgotten about it.

Bai Zhi looks forward to it every day, almost turning into a husband-seeking stone at the gate of her palace.

However, the palace she was assigned to was a little far away from the place where the emperor frequented, so it was difficult to meet her by chance.


Bai Zhi led a group of sisters to wander around the Queen Mother's palace every day.

Thinking, the emperor respects the queen mother, so he should visit often.



this day,

Royal study.

On the desk, beside the window sill, and behind the screen, there are portraits of a woman everywhere.

The women in the portraits have different movements and different costumes.

The only thing in common is that she is wearing a gorgeous red cloak and a red rope is tied around her wrist.

The face is still blank, without facial features,

But it is not difficult for people to imagine how gentle and beautiful this woman is.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has passed you on."

Eunuch Li bowed and said.

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