The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 796 Can't Do Without Me (35)


There was a bit of intoxicating ink in the quiet eyes, clear and beautiful, indifferent and gentle.

Noticing that her eyes turned around, the young man still smiled, with gentle red lips.

"..." Fu Sheng pursed her lips, thought for a while, but still refused,

"Tell him first that I'm a little busy recently."

"We'll talk about the meeting later, let him go back first."

"Okay, President."

The robot at the front desk accepted the instruction with a smile, then hung up the phone.

She looked at the gloomy man in front of her, and said gently and politely,

"Mr. Liang, the president has been quite busy recently. I'm sorry for tonight's invitation, but she can't come."

"Please make an appointment in advance. When the president has time, I will contact you again. How do you think?"

"..." Liang Fuyan clenched his fists, his brows were cold.

For a long time,

Only then did he give a deep "hmm" and compromise.

It's not that he doesn't want to force his way in,


He didn't want to scare her again.

The man clenched his fists tightly, his veins bulging.

As if trying to suppress something.

The robot got his answer and quickly made an appointment,

Then, she continued to smile and said softly,

"Mr. Liang, the appointment has been made, and the president will contact you when he finishes his work."

"Please wait patiently."

The man stared heavily at the elevator, then sat on the sofa beside him, waiting.

He has waited for a thousand years, and this time is not bad.

As long as he can wait for her, he is willing to wait for as long as possible.



the other side,

Fu Sheng hung up the phone, then secretly glanced at Su Bai again,

Seeing that there was no abnormality in his complexion, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


It's okay, okay, don't care.

Fu Sheng felt relieved and started to work.


Su Bai stood quietly with a faint expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he turned and walked out quietly, without a sound.

when you come back,

He held a cup of warm milk in his hand and a soft back cushion.

The milk was slowly placed in front of Fusheng, no more, no less, only half a cup, the amount was obviously controlled.

Fu Sheng glanced at it, and was stunned, not knowing why.

"Su Bai, I already had a drink this morning."

Su Bai's expression remained unchanged, he smiled and said,

"Master, Su Bai just thinks that you are thirsty, so you can drink a little as a drink."

"Milk is very healthy, the owner can drink more."

"..." Fusheng looked at him, feeling weird.

But what he said is right, milk can indeed be drunk casually,

Fu Sheng didn't think too much, nodded, picked it up symbolically, and took a sip.

Mmm, sweet.

It is indeed delicious.

Fu Sheng paused, then continued to drink a few sips silently.


The young man on the side suddenly made a sound, with a soft tone.


Fu Sheng subconsciously turned her head.

In the next second, the young man slowly leaned over, took out his handkerchief,

Warm white fingers gently caressed her cheeks, covered the handkerchief, and wiped the corners of her lips meticulously, gently and seriously.

The beautiful and elegant black eyes of the robot looked at her calmly, exhaled lightly,

Carrying a slightly scented handkerchief, she wiped it gently, and then released it restrainedly and politely.

"Master, it's all right."

The robot smiles and seems to be just doing its job,

His lips are soft, his calm and beautiful face is so perfect that it is so unreal,

The slender body like bamboo stood quietly beside her, his eyes were light and gentle.

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

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