The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 802 Can't Let Me Go (41)


Every time Fusheng is called that by him, he always feels weird in his heart,

I can't say I'm disgusted, but it's inexplicable...

do not adapt.

"Shengsheng, this is your name. Your surname is not Su."

The man on the phone was very stubborn, his voice was trembling slightly, and he seemed a little cautious.

"Shengsheng, I swear, don't you remember?"

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

"Swear... swear?"

Sheng Sheng, swear?

A faint fragment flashed by.



"What's your name?"

The soft little girl stared curiously at the black figure in front of her, her eyes were clear and bright,

The black shadow paused, then patted her head viciously, smiled lowly,

"My name is Swear."

"...Swear?" The little girl was suspicious, her innocent face was full of disbelief,

"Did you lie to me?"

"Who has such an ugly name?"

"It's worse than my Shengsheng."

The little girl looked disgusted.

The black shadow paused, seemed a little dissatisfied,

"What's so bad about it? Shengsheng swears, how nice it sounds."

"... Does it sound good?"

The little girl was ignorant, obviously not quite understanding,

"Let me tell you, your name is ugly, you can't be with my name."

She said fiercely in a childish voice.

"Swear, it sounds like shit"

"Smelly baba."

"... Sheng Sheng also stinks."

"Shengsheng doesn't stink!" The little girl frowned instantly.

"Shit stinks!"

"Sheng Sheng also stinks."

Soi Ying poked her maliciously, which was rare and childish.

"..." The little girl got angry again, patted him hard, turned around and left.

"Ignore you, stinky shit."

She was ferocious, puffed up and unhappy.

The black shadow froze, as if he knew that he had said something wrong again,

He followed behind a little helplessly, his voice softened,

"Shengsheng, don't be angry, you made a mistake in your oath."

"Sheng Sheng doesn't stink."


The little girl ran away with her head covered.

Behind him, the black shadow followed closely, apologizing non-stop.

The two walked farther and farther, and finally disappeared in memory.



Fu Sheng's eyes trembled slightly, as if something was broken and turned red instantly.

She unconsciously squeezed the phone tightly, exerting a little force on her fingertips, her knuckles turned white.

"Swear... swear?"

"Remember, me?" The man said softly, with a little imperceptible expectation.

"..." Fu Sheng slowly clenched his fists and remained silent.

For a long time,

She lowered her eyes and said calmly, "Mr. Liang, I think you must have misunderstood the person."

"I don't know what an oath is."

"..." The man was stunned, seemingly at a loss,

"No, don't you know me?"

"I swear... I... we—"

"Mr. Liang," Fu Sheng interrupted him and said calmly,

"I think you really misunderstood the person. My name is Su Ningsheng, and my nickname is Ningsheng, not Shengsheng."

"You may be looking for a person named Shengsheng. If possible, I will help you pay attention, and please don't call the wrong person in the future."

"...You are Shengsheng." The man said hoarsely.

"I know, you may have forgotten something, but—"

Fu Sheng's heart trembled, and when he realized something, he interrupted him in a panic,

"Mr. Liang, I'm sorry that I still have something to do, so I won't talk to you for now."

finished speaking,

She hung up the phone quickly, her fingers trembling slightly.

[Er... madam, what's wrong with you? 】

Tuanzi looked at her somewhat pale face, puzzled.

"..." Fu Sheng was silent for a moment, shook his head, and remained silent.

won't abuse, won't abuse, won't abuse

Say important things three times~°°

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