The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 804 Can't Do Without Me (43)


The girl seemed helpless and funny,

"Don't think about it in the future, I won't want you."

"You are so good, I am not willing to part with it~"

Su Bai's long eyelashes trembled, he looked at her with clear eyes, his lips curved slightly,

Seemingly feeling that the girl's mood was better, he lowered his head gently, allowing her to touch her head, very well-behaved.

"Master, it's also very good."

"Su Bai, I'm not willing."

"..." Fusheng was stunned, then laughed,

"Well, we're all fine."

So, nothing will change.

The girl's eyes moved slightly, and her fingertips were gentle.



after dinner,

Fu Sheng rested for a while, then went into the study.

She turned on the computer and began to inquire about Liang Fuyan's information——

Liang Fuyan, twenty-six years old, the first heir of the Liang Group, and the current president of the group, is tough and decisive.

He owns as much as 40% of the group's shares under his name, and is one of the few top young wealthy businessmen in recent years.

Under his leadership, the Liang Group has continued to expand its territory, and has completely monopolized the network security capital, dominating it.

In recent years, she has also been rated as the most ideal dream lover, and is the object sought after by countless top-ranking ladies.

It can be regarded as the best.

Fu Sheng simply browsed through the information, her face was calm, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, she picked up her cell phone and made a call,

"Aunt Liang."

"Sorry to call you so late. I wanted to say..."

Fu Sheng paused,

"Engaged to Liang Fuyan?"

"...Auntie, did you make a mistake?"

I don't know what the other party said, Fusheng pressed his temple with some headaches, and said,

"Auntie... I'm sorry, I want to cancel the engagement."

"I know it's offensive and rude to say that, but..."

"Sheng Sheng."

The man's deep words came suddenly, very calm.

Fu Sheng froze instantly.

"Shengsheng, I swear."

"..." Fusheng's eyes flickered slightly, and she bit her lip subconsciously.

"Mr. Liang, you really have the wrong person."

"That's right, we'll know when we meet."

The man said calmly.

"Tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon, I will wait for you downstairs in your company."

"If I did admit the wrong person, I will personally apologize to you."

Fu Sheng: "..."

As soon as the voice fell,

The phone was hung up.

Fu Sheng unconsciously squeezed the phone tightly.

【...Madam, does that man know you? 】

Why does it feel like he looks like an old acquaintance?

Tuanzi looked puzzled.

Since he called, she has been restless and restless,

As if afraid of something.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Tuanzi, can I temporarily leave this plane?"

【……ah? ? why? 】

Tuanzi was surprised,

[Now the task is done well, leaving suddenly...]

Fu Sheng sighed, his eyelashes slightly closed,

"A word, can you?"


Tuanzi was speechless.

[It is possible... But once you leave, this body will be destroyed automatically... Come back when the time comes...]

But it is difficult.

【Madam, why don't you think about it again? You think about fragments, if you leave him here alone, he will go crazy. 】

When Tuanzi thought of a certain plane before, he was scared.

It's too scary to be crazy, and I can't control it.

If the lady hadn't returned in time,

I'm afraid the shards are going to destroy that plane.

【Madam, do you... really have to leave? 】

Tuanzi asked weakly.

"..." Fu Sheng was silent.

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