The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 808 Can't Do Without Me (47)


Jun Lin gently put his lips on her cheek, softly and with a bit of restrained affection.

Tuanzi opened his mouth and was about to say something.

next second,

The mirror is dark.

Tuanzi: 【………】


It's just a big light bulb.




Early the next morning.

On the soft bed, the fair and clean girl moved her body,

She closed her eyes, stretched softly, raised her wrist lightly, and touched the man beside her.

The man has been holding her tightly, and his hot breath is buried in the pit of her neck, with a bit of restlessness.


Fu Sheng rubbed his eyes in a daze, and his eyes opened slightly.

Her waist was still tightly held, without leaking any gaps,

The originally conservative and tidy pajamas were lifted off, revealing a large area of ​​snow.


The man's warm palm stroked gently, inexplicably ambiguous.

Fu Sheng was startled, and the drowsiness finally dissipated.

She immediately pressed the man's hand, not letting him move,

The voice was sweet and soft, with a hint of shyness,

"Su Bai!"

Where to touch it! ?

Fu Sheng's face instantly flushed red.

As soon as the voice fell,

The man who had been burying his head in the hollow of her neck suddenly held her hand, a little forcefully.

The bright red lips kissed her deeply, madly and hotly.


Fu Sheng opened his eyes slightly, confused and at a loss.

Understand this is...

After his eyes touched the man's half-closed dark purple eyes,

The girl's eyes trembled, and her body froze instantly.

She stared at him blankly, seemingly in disbelief.


The man kissed her gently on his lips, with a low voice.

The dark and pure purple eyes looked at her closely, breathing hot.

The long fingers with distinct knuckles slowly clasped her hand, and the ten fingers touched each other, lingering.

"..." Fu Sheng's eyes turned red instantly.

Weeping and pitiful.

"in vain……"

"Woo...I miss you so much..."

She choked and hugged his neck, aggrieved and sad.

Jun Lin frowned, and subconsciously hugged her tightly,

"Ma'am...don't cry."

He was a little helpless, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his long fingers, with a bit of pity,

"It's my fault, don't cry."

"Woo..." Fu Sheng pursed her mouth, wanting to cry even more.

Especially when her suppressed emotions erupt, only in front of the closest people can she vent her emotions so unscrupulously.

She whimpered softly and rubbed her little head against him, seeming very insecure.

Jun Lin lowered his eyes slightly, hugged her, and kissed her tenderly,

His fingertips gently wiped the tears at the end of her eyes, with a bit of silent comfort.

"Madam, you have worked hard."

He said softly.

Fu Sheng's eyes were red, she pursed her lips and looked at him, still aggrieved.

Jun Lin's purple eyes settled slightly, he gently held her wrist, and placed it on his face,

He looked at her calmly and whispered,

"Madam is not happy, you can hit me."

"You can fight whatever you want."

"..." Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment,

The man in front of him, with some inexplicable emotions in his beautiful and pure purple eyes,

He seemed to be talking about this matter very seriously, his cheek was gently pressed against her hand, quietly and inexplicably well-behaved,

The light breath enveloped her, like the pine wood on the edge of the snow cliff, it smelled clean and pleasant.

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

next second,

Her eyes flickered slightly, and finally she laughed,


How could she be willing to fight?

The girl with red eyes touched his face helplessly, being intimate and gentle,

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