The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 821 Don't move, I'll eat you! (1)


So, on the bed, he would always smile, gentle as jade, calm and polite, making Fu Sheng completely speechless.

At the most ruthless time,

Fu Sheng fainted, and the man whispered softly in his ears,

"Ma'am, it's mine."

"Forever, it's mine."

Jun Lin looked at the woman in his arms tenderly, his purple eyes were rippling, dark and deep.


could snatch her from him.

She is his.




[Main task: complete! 】

[Hidden mission: Forcibly closed. 】

[Soul escaped successfully——]

【Matching new faces...】

[The match is successful. 】

【Searching for host...】

[The body is locked! 】

【Soul transmission...】

【Name: Fu Sheng】

[Task: Bring back the fragments. 】




In the huge and empty cave, the dark wind blew in gusts, and there was a humming echo.

On the steep rock wall, from time to time, a stream of water slowly flows out of the cracks, dripping into the small puddles on the ground, and the sound of the water is crisp.


Everything is quiet here.

The deep cave seems to be blocked by the rocks outside, not revealing a trace of light,

Everything is dark, cool and silent.

at this time,

A slender little snake was spitting out snake letters, hovering at the entrance of the cave, looking around curiously.

Along a small gap in the bottom of the rock,

It can feel the cold and damp environment inside, and its nature tells it that it is extremely suitable for living inside.

The little snake quickly found a small slit it could pass through, and slowly poked its head in, as if it wanted to get in.


Just entered half body,

The heavy and powerful oppression inside hits the face, and the innate level of pressure between species is like a mountain, fearful and oppressive.

The little snake backed out in panic in an instant, and ran away in a panic.

It's like hiding a giant monster inside.


in the cave,

The deep dark cave echoed with the sound of heavy and powerful exhalation, every breath can startle the small pool on the ground to vibrate slightly, the water surface swayed,

The huge body was motionless, and its dark and hard appearance was like a hill, as hard as a rock.



【System connection...】

【connection succeeded! 】


[Miss? Wake up~]

Tuanzi shook the mirror and called her softly.

[Miss sister~ wake up~ wake up~]

"..." The black giant didn't move, still sleeping deeply,

It's just that the sound of even breathing is quieter, and it seems a little unhappy.

【Miss sister~ Wake up~】

Tuanzi was just released from the small dark room, so excited,

Gearing up, I feel that I finally have a place to use my skills.

Seeing that the giant was still not moving, it paused, and began to rummage through its small pockets,

Let it look for a small speaker.


White Mist poked it mercilessly aside,

"You shout, something happened to your lord, Madam will definitely wake up."

Tuanzi was taken aback, then slapped his head, 【Yes...】

【Madam, Madam, wake up~】

【Shards are looking for you~】

"..." The giant moved,

It covered its head, and the big tail behind it swayed unconsciously,

It hit the rock wall for a moment, and only heard a "pop", and a deep and long mark appeared on the hard rock wall.


The giant finally woke up slowly.

The huge body just shook, and there was a loud noise from the cave.

The small pool of water on the ground trembled and burst into waves.

This plane will be super relaxed, so sweet that my aunt laughs~

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