The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 827 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (7)


The warm and fragrant scent on her body seemed to make him like it very much. The tip of her pink and tender nose kept probing, soft and cute.

Fu Sheng's movements suddenly became lighter.

It's hard to finish the fire,

She hugged the rabbit, staring at the three eggs with sparkling eyes, eager to try.

【Madam, those snakes are still wandering around here, be careful. 】

Tuanzi reminded her softly.

Fusheng paused for a while when he stretched out his hand, as if hesitating.

She occupied other people's lairs and ate other people's eggs...

Is it bad?

"..." Fu Sheng pursed her lips, hesitating,

After a while, she withdrew her hand slightly, but still didn't reach out to touch the eggs.

Rubbing her empty belly, she sat by the fire, sighing faintly,

It's too embarrassing for the dragon to be like this.

The depressed little girl hugged the big white rabbit silently, staring at the fire in a daze.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 5%】

"...The system is ready?"

[Okay, ok, my lord has already fixed the mirror before falling asleep, and there will never be any problems with the mirror in the future! 】

The dumplings are happy.


Fusheng lowered her head and looked at the big white rabbit.

I swallowed and swallowed, as if I wanted to eat some...

【...Madam, that belongs to your family. 】

"……I know."

She just looks.

If you can't eat it, it's good to have a look at it to relieve your gluttony.

The white rabbit in her arms has long and soft ears, resting on her palm docilely, moving, the soft fur slightly itches.

The soft limbs stepped on her lower abdomen, as if resisting, and seemed to want to grab her,

Behind him, the fluffy short tail is like a ball of cotton, soft and smooth, and feels very good.

As if feeling her touch, the rabbit let out a low growl, a little shy.

Fu Sheng's eyes were slightly curved, and suddenly he became interested.

This fragment can't be... a simple cutie, right?

Tuanzi: […]

It does not believe that fragments can be pure.

Fusheng lowered her head, held its tail with great interest, and rubbed it bit by bit,

The soft white hair trembled in her palm, and the originally pink and tender ears became more and more red,

The rabbit's small meat pad moved unconsciously, trembling a little.

It barked a few times in a low voice,

Finally, under her gentle rubbing, Yoyo woke up.

The beautiful ruby ​​eyes opened gently, clear and pure, as if filled with the rosy clouds in the sky,

It seemed to be a little dazed, looking around in a daze, and finally, staring blankly at her.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 10%】

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, then immediately took her hand away guiltily, bent her lips and smiled,

"Are you awake?"

The girl's voice is soft, clean and nice,

The bright eyebrows are curved, and the smile is shallow.


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval rate: 12%】

The pink and soft white rabbit instantly jumped to the side,

The blood-stained fur was dirty, hiding in the corner, looking at her vigilantly, his long ears trembling, as if he was hostile to her.

Fu Sheng froze, pursed his lips and smiled,

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"I saw you over there just now, and I brought you back only when I saw that you were injured."

She explained softly.

"..." The rabbit still didn't move, staring at her quietly, as if thinking about the truth of her words.

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