The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Statement (this chapter is free)

In the plane of robots, I feel that you are very controversial.

Even still questioning Guasheng's love for Dabai.


Then let me explain it in a unified way here,

Suli was the first person Guasheng saw when she opened her eyes.

She has no love for him, but more respect and love for a big brother. (count me spoiler)

You said Guaisheng shouldn't care about him in front of Dabai,

Then I want to ask, do you want the heroine to be ruthless, really don't ask a word?

Suli has been protecting her since she was born and never hurt her.

To Gua Sheng, he is also a father, a brother,

The hostess respects and appreciates him.

So how could the heroine not ask a word? ? ?

If it were you, would you not ask a word?

If you can do it,

Sorry, my sweet baby goose can't do it.


Gua Sheng stimulates the robot for recognition,


Talking about a relationship, can't you stimulate your boyfriend to be jealous?

If it were you,

Your boyfriend has never expressed his true emotions. Are you not anxious or afraid? ? ?

Gua Sheng has always been provocative with words, always talking verbally, never really getting close to other men,

Even after knowing that she was engaged, she was about to run to divorce the engagement,

Do you think this is not enough? ? ?

Later, the two talked, and the heroine knew about Dabai's feelings, and naturally let go of her worries.

She never provoked Dabai again, because she knew that this way would hurt the relationship between two people,

The reason why he chose to use the extreme method of stimulation is because the robot Dabai has no emotional expression, and the degree of recognition does not fluctuate, so Gua Sheng was forced to use it.

Take a look at the previous plane, have you used it? !

Don't talk about going through so many planes, the heroine should have a bottom line in her heart, and she is sure that Dabai will fall in love with her.

Everyone is a reader, a reader, which means being in the perspective of God,

So you will know more than the heroine.

The hostess does not know that she is the hostess, she is just a person who wants to save her husband,

In every world, my husband has no memory, is just a normal person, and has no feelings for her.

So she will feel uncertain and afraid,

After all, if you start all over again, it is really hard to guarantee whether you will fall in love again.

So, stop spraying the heroine,

She is a very polite, rule-abiding, well-behaved girl who thinks about others. She doesn't care about anything and only wants to fall in love.

The character I created refers to many girls in life,

I hope that everyone can find their own shadow in it, and then talk about a love that will never break up.

at last,

It's a spoiler.

It took me a long time to write this book,

Next, there is still a long way to go.

During this journey, I will try my best to let everyone feel the sweet warmth,

I will also sketch out the ending of the story perfectly,

Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, I hope everyone has a happy ending.

Although Suli is the second male lead,

But in his story, he is the protagonist, and he will also meet his own - the right girl.


Don't be in a hurry to scold the heroine, just read on patiently.



Of course, if you guys still feel that the current plot is unacceptable, well, just delete this book.

The sea of ​​books is so big, there is always a book that suits your appetite,

The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow forever, see you in the rivers and lakes [抱打]

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