The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 851 Don't move, I'll eat you! (32)


Fusheng couldn't hold back, the corners of his lips raised slightly, hugged him, and rubbed him.

"Stupid Nana, I'm not angry."

"Why are you so cute?"

She kissed him several times.

"Cute?" The rabbit blinked, a little confused.

But seeing her smiling, he bent his lips and smiled too, looking silly and innocent.

"A Sheng is not angry, but Nana is very happy."

He hugged her waist tightly, his eyes were bright, milky and soft.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 92%】

Fusheng rubbed his soft hair with a smile, and looked at him with extreme gentleness.

The rabbit opened its ruddy clear eyes and looked at her softly, seeming a little shy.

He tentatively held her wrist, his white and tender face moved closer, as if he wanted to kiss her.

Fu Sheng paused, bending his eyes.


The soft rabbit kissed it, it was soft to the touch, with a bit of hot joy.

He first tasted it for a while, then slowly thought,



Fu Sheng blinked his eyes and smiled, but he didn't resist.

She put her hands on his back, slowly following the ridgeline, toward,



The young man's white and beautiful body trembled slightly, as if it had begun to change,



His breathing is slightly "LUAN\

,"The temperature rises, scorching and embarrassing.

"A...A Sheng..."

The boy suddenly collapsed on her body, his voice was small and soft, shy and nervous.

The originally white and clear skin has gradually become light and beautiful,



,"He rubbed against her unconsciously, wanting to take her hand away, but he was worried about something, so he didn't move.

Just let the girl be with him,




As he did so, his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Ah... Ah Sheng, Nai... Nana feels bad..."

He had a puffy white and tender face, and a thin layer of water mist appeared in his red eyes, which were clear and bright, with a bit of attractive obedience.

The soft and bright red lips were buried in the hollow of her neck, biting slowly and slowly, they were covered with a layer of crystal saliva.

Fu Sheng seemed to have discovered some new continent, raised his brows, smiled,

"Don't move, Nana, Ah Sheng will "MO" again."

Without the barrier of animal cloth,

The girl's little hand easily touched the boy's short, fluffy tail,

The little tail is like a ball of soft and smooth cotton, warm and slippery, it feels great when rubbed and pinched in the palm of your hand.


The boy is more and more "CH. AN".

The snow-white skin is also getting pinker, like the tip of a newly bloomed cherry blossom in the mountains, revealing an attractive luster.

His body is getting bigger and bigger,



The hands are tightly curled up, and it looks like a pitiful flower bone that has been ravaged miserably.

As if Fu Sheng didn't notice his strangeness, he slowly rubbed the little tail in his hand and smiled.

Last life, last life, last last life...

She had never taken the initiative like this before.


This plane is so blissful! ! !


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 92%】

"A...A Sheng..."

The soft rabbit couldn't take it anymore, the soft voice had already brought a faint cry,

he was thinking eagerly

"HU. AN\

,""J. IE\

,"abnormality of the body,





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