The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 857 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (39)


Although... this is a gift from A Sheng, he likes it very much and treasures it.

But if it is for Ah Sheng to use, he is very willing.

The boy ran over with soft eyes, stared at her without blinking, and said softly,

"A Sheng wipe it off."

Fusheng blinked, looked at the snow-white robe,

She suddenly moved closer to her face and smiled,

"Nana wipe it for me."

"..." The beautiful and delicate young man was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up slightly,

He stretched out his loose robe to envelop the woman in front of him,

Because it was customized according to his figure, the robe looked extra loose when wrapped around the girl's body.

Soft and soft, with the faint and pleasant smell of a young man,

Fu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath.

The soft rabbit got the task and was extremely eager,

Wipe her everywhere, very carefully and meticulously.

Fusheng leaned on him comfortably, very comfortable.

For a long time,

Her eyelids slightly lifted, lazily,

"Tuanzi, have they left?"

【... Ma'am, you are awesome. 】

Tuanzi looked at the crowd and silently gave a thumbs up.

[They are trapped in the spell you cast, and they can't get out at all. 】


Fu Sheng's eyes slightly closed.

[...Wait, what else did you do? 】

The group was dumbfounded.

Before it could see clearly, the mirror was instantly blocked by thick white mist,

The fog of nothingness seems to be conscious, indifferently blocking the picture in the mirror, and can no longer see clearly.

The group subconsciously wanted to scatter,


The white mist became thicker and thicker, until finally, I couldn't see my fingers.

Tuanzi: […]


stinky fog,

It's really going to be angry!

"Not suitable for children, watch less."

Liu Shang poked it lightly, cold and ruthless.

Dumplings: o(▼皮▼メ;)o

[Am I a child, what do you care about? ! 】

It's really going to explode.

[Why do you always keep me in check? ? ? 】

Tuanzi blurted out angrily.

As soon as the voice fell,

There was a sudden silence in the air.

The ethereal mist visibly stagnates,

Immediately, there was a silence.

After Tuanzi spoke out, he realized that he seemed to have spoken too aggressively.


As if it would break his heart.


Tuanzi scratched his head, looking at the mist in front of him, his confidence suddenly weakened,

For a long time,

It couldn't help whispering,

【That...that, I'm sorry. 】

[I didn't mean to yell at you. 】

【 really care a lot...】

It complained while apologizing.

Not only can't read the little yellow book, but also can't watch the scene,

Even the original gender...

It was all because of him that the female was finally chosen.

The group is actually a little bit aggrieved,

It likes to be free by itself, and doesn't like someone to control it.

If it weren't for meeting him and being a good friend,

It can really get mad.

Dumplings: T^T

"..." Bai Wu was silent.

for a while,

He said softly,

"Sorry, I didn't take your feelings into account."

"I will not do it again."

After the words fell gently, the white mist was silent and slowly dispersed,

The outline and picture of the mirror are quickly visible.

"..." Tuanzi was stunned and froze.


A sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

It seemed... not to say that about him.

After all, he was actually quite nice and gave it a present.

"That... are you angry?"

Tuanzi hugged the little green stone, didn't pay attention to the mirror any more, followed behind him, and asked in a low voice.

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