The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 861 Professor, teach me (2)


【Fortunately, Yun Xiyuan's health is getting better gradually. The Yun family asked a few symbolic words and agreed. 】

[But the premise is that as long as something happens to Yun Xiyuan, she must come back immediately and donate blood and bone marrow to her. 】


[Trigger hidden mission: don't be a lifelong blood bank, leave after repaying your kindness well. 】

"..." Fu Sheng rubbed her eyes and finally woke up.

She looked around in confusion,

The home is neat and clean, the windows are bright and transparent, and it is a very comfortable and large bedroom.

Fusheng stretched, ready to get out of bed.

"Jingle Bell--"

"Jingle Bell--"

The alarm clock rang again.

Fu Sheng walked over and closed it.

By the way, I checked the time.

...It's half past nine?

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, feeling as if she had forgotten something.

I was in a daze for a while,

She slapped her head violently, "Damn!"

Today seems to be the first day of school!

The original owner had classes in the morning, which happened to be from ten to eleven thirty.

Moreover, the teacher is also the legendary director of the devil, and the roll call is extremely ruthless.

Fu Sheng ran into the bathroom in an instant.

five minutes later,

The slender girl with a high ponytail and a schoolbag hurried out the door.

The original owner rented a house outside the school because he was not sociable and was afraid of interacting with others.

The house is quite a distance from the classrooms in the school.

Fu Sheng was riding a bicycle and galloping crazily.

When riding through a section of the road and suddenly turning,

I saw a black car coming up suddenly, and I was caught off guard.


Fu Sheng almost bumped into it.

That car looked expensive, and she couldn't afford to pay for it if it crashed.

Fu Sheng hastily bowed down and apologized,

Then he continued to pedal his bicycle and quickly entered the school.


【System Refreshing——】

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 5%】

Fu Sheng: ...? !


[... emm, it's over. 】

【Ma'am, you ran too fast, the debris seems to be in the black car you were about to hit just now. 】

The group scratched their heads.

"...don't tell me sooner."

I said earlier that she hit it.



ten minutes later,

The panting girl was lying on the desk, full of exhaustion.


caught up.

It's not fucking easy.

"Jingle bell—jingle bell—"

just right

The pointer in the classroom pointed to exactly ten o'clock, and the class bell rang on time.

Fusheng slowed down for a while, then began to look for books in her schoolbag.

Get out your new textbooks, set things up,

She looked around,

Only then did I discover that

I seemed to be sitting alone in the front row, with no one around.

Perhaps this teacher's prestige is too powerful,

Every time before class, you have to roll your name one by one. If you are late, or miss one time, you will fail the class directly.

He kept asking questions in class, but he couldn't answer. After class, he copied thirty times, and if he didn't copy, he would fail the class.

So the students don't like this teacher, how far they can sit in class.

Fusheng was silent, and was about to pack her things and sit in the back.


Then the teacher came in,

The legendary devil director is a middle-aged bald uncle, surnamed Wang, wearing old-fashioned glasses and plain clothes,

When he walked in, he was carrying two thick professional books and a bottle of mineral water in his hand. After putting them on the podium, he stood on the steps and looked around.

Seeing that the back of the classroom was full of people and only one girl was sitting in the front two rows, he frowned and patted the table.

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