The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 863 Professor, teach me (4)


The director smiled and looked at everyone, until everyone was looking forward to it, and then walked out the door.


"It's really Jiang Ji!!!"

The girl sitting by the door blushed with excitement.

The thick and gentle man, carrying a simple notebook, walked in slowly,

For a moment, the whole classroom was silent.

The young man is tall, about 1.9 meters tall,

He was wearing a black coat that hung flat, and inside the coat was a clean and tidy white shirt without any wrinkles.

The young man's long fingers are bent, gently resting on the pure black notebook, the solid black color makes his hands look like works of art, flawless,

On the pocket of the coat, there was a gold-edged fountain pen buttoned up. When he raised his hand and raised his foot, there was a cool and gentle breath, like a heavy ancient book that lasted thousands of years, unsurpassed.

"Jiang Ji!!!"

Several girls in the classroom were already shouting softly, almost fainting from excitement.


Everyone who was unwilling in every possible way just now filled the front row in an instant, and it was full of girls.

Many people have already started secretly taking pictures.

This is Jiang Ji's first class,

Ow! ! ! They are so happy this year! ! !

O(≧▽≦)O! ! !

Fu Sheng saw the girl beside her frantically taking pictures and typing.

She looked at the noble young man on the podium, blinked her eyes, held her chin,


Her big baby is so beautiful.

Or... the professor?



at this time,

Jiang Ji looked down calmly.


Fu Sheng and his eyes just met.

The young man's long eyelashes were slightly drawn, and his dark eyes looked at her calmly,

His brow bone is very beautiful, the breeze is bright and the moon is bright, like an ink painting, it is exquisite,

High and straight nose bridge, slender lips, bright red color, looks very soft,

Down the white jade neck is a clean and simple coat,

He seemed to just glanced at her inadvertently, and then looked away lightly.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, and unconsciously sat up straight.

Well, she is a good student, she should behave better.

"Oh! Jiang Ji just saw me!!!"

The girl next to Fusheng let out a happy scream.

She started typing furiously again.

Fu Sheng: "..."

The young man on the podium quickly retracted his gaze, lowered his eyes, picked up the chalk, turned around and wrote on the blackboard,

Jiang Ji,

The strong and powerful words are extremely beautifully written,

He finished writing, turned around, looked at everyone, slightly bent his lips, and spoke in a calm voice,

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Ji."

"This semester, I will give you the course "Introduction to Zhuangzi"."

As soon as the voice fell,

The classroom was silent for a moment.

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

"Welcome teacher!!!"

The students were excited and excited.

From the devil director to the fairy professor, this is too happy! ! !

Jiang Ji didn't express anything about everyone's excited reaction, but lowered his eyes slightly, and opened the book calmly,

"Next, we will officially start class."

Suddenly thought of something,

He raised his eyes, glanced at everyone with his beautiful eyes, and said,

"Before the class, choose the class representative first."

"In the future, the class representative will be responsible for handing over the homework to me."

As soon as the voice fell,

The girls raised their hands wildly,

"Teacher! I am willing!!!"

They were going crazy with excitement.

Fu Sheng: "...!"

She was just about to lift it! !

After a second of slowness, she also quickly raised her hand.

The young man on the podium raised his eyebrows slightly, his dark eyes were faint.

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