The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 895 Professor, teach me (36)


Seeing him, she was stunned, a little unresponsive.

The man slowly raised his foot and walked into the classroom.

In the eyes of everyone, he walked up to her, took her hand, and clasped his fingers tightly.

There was an instant dead silence in the classroom.

Fu Sheng blinked slightly.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Jiang Ji raised his lips slightly, and touched her face, his profile was gentle.

Fu Sheng bent his eyes and gave a soft "hmm".

The two hold hands, thoroughly,

It's public.

until they go far away,

There was a weak voice in the classroom,

"How do I feel...they are a bit sweet..."

"... the truth."

It's really... a little sweet.



Fu Sheng didn't know what Jiang Ji said to the school leaders,

The next day, there was much less gossip at school,

Walking on the road, although she can still attract the attention of many people,

But most of them are friendly, full of sadness and envy.

To be Jiang Ji's publicly acknowledged girlfriend,

Still the first girlfriend, first love,

This is so enviable.

The school leaders didn't look for her either, and they didn't say anything, as if they had acquiesced in this teacher-student relationship.

ten o'clock in the morning,

It's time for the introduction to Chuang Tzu again.

When Fusheng walked into the classroom on time,

Everyone in the classroom looked over in unison in an instant.

Quietly, extremely tacit understanding.

Fu Sheng blinked, walked in, and sat in the second row.

Around, the girls sitting around peeped at her curiously and started whispering in low voices.

With a calm face, Fu Sheng took out the textbook from her school bag and placed it on the table.

After everything is done,

She held the pen and looked at the book calmly, without changing her face.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

after awhile,

A girl next to her touched her arm and asked in a low voice,

"Lin Sheng, is your boyfriend really Jiang Ji?"

"..." All of a sudden, the girls silently pricked up their ears.

Fu Sheng glanced at her, raised his eyebrows, and nodded.

"Then, who are you... Who are you chasing after?"

The girl suddenly became curious and gossip.

She is really curious,

How did Jiang Ji, the flower of Gaoling, get off the altar and be willing to admit his love.

To know,

The previous Jiang Ji was definitely a fairy professor who would not eat fireworks in the world,

Not to mention falling in love, just letting him take another look is something that I dare not even think about.


Hey, all the girlfriends are out.


Fu Sheng pondered for a moment.

The confession was made by her first, so...

Was it she who chased him?

The girl looked at her expectantly, waiting for her answer.

Around, a group of girls listened quietly and silently without saying a word.

Fu Sheng was amused by her expression, she smiled, but did not hide it,

"I chased him, and I confessed to him."

"And he agreed!?"

The girl looked in disbelief.

Fu Sheng smiled and nodded,

In fact, strictly speaking,

Before confessing, she kissed him forcefully,

However, it is better to know this kind of details and not share them with others.

"Just confess directly, and then he agreed? Is it that easy???"

The girl asked again, seemingly shocked.

"Emm..." Fusheng blinked her eyes, tilted her head in doubt,

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's too wrong, okay!?"

The girl seemed very excited, "How many people confessed their love to Jiang Ji before, but Jiang Ji ignored them at all."

"Just before, Liang Yuyan, who is from the English department next door, went to Jiang Ji's office to confess his love to him, but Jiang Ji was super indifferent and threw her out."

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