The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 897 Professor, teach me (38)


Fu Sheng neatly packed her things, put her schoolbag on her back, and walked over with her homework in her arms.

Jiang Ji stood on the podium and waited for her.

After the little girlfriend in the white skirt came over,

He slowly embraced her shoulders without any shyness, his brows and eyes softened,

"Is it heavy?"

Fu Sheng shook his head and said honestly, "It's okay."


Jiang Ji lowered his eyes slightly, took the homework book in her arms,

After freeing one hand, he slowly took her hand again, clasped his fingers tightly, and walked out together.

Conspicuous and matching couple outfits, worn on two people, inexplicably match and harmonious,

Until the two figures disappeared at the door of the classroom,

In the classroom, voices gradually started to sound.

Sour, sour and envious,

"Professor... seems to like Lin Sheng very much..."

"Hey... what kind of fairy love is this..."



Back to Jiang Ji's office,

Fusheng put down the schoolbag familiarly,

Immediately, sat on the soft sofa.

The man put away his homework, picked up the water glass, moistened his throat, and sat beside her.

The soft and beautiful side face is like the uncanny workmanship of God, perfect to the extreme.

His breath is warm, his lips are bright red, his soft hair is gently falling down, and he looks extremely pleasing to the eye with a comfortable cotton T-shirt.

Fu Sheng blinked and stared at him thoughtfully.

Jiang Ji took a sip of water, then handed the cup to her,

Fusheng took a few sips from his hand,

Drink up the rest of the water in the glass,

Fu Sheng suddenly hugged Jiang Ji's waist, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked ferociously,

"Teacher, tell the truth, you have already liked me, right?"

"..." Jiang Ji paused.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and wiped the water stains on the corners of her lips as if nothing had happened, with a gentle tone,

"Why do you ask that?"

Fusheng bulged her cheeks.

"They said you never accept other people's confession."

Jiang Ji smiled, "So?"

Fusheng hummed in a low voice, ba ba,

"You accepted my confession, which means you are also interested in me."

Jiang Ji chuckled and remained silent.

He slowly embraced her waist, looked down at the little girl's gauze skirt, his lips were slightly curved, and seemed very satisfied.

"Sure enough... the size is right..."

His eyes lingered on her, and his eyes gradually darkened.

Fu Sheng tugged at his ears, and continued to be fierce,

"Say it! Have you been interested in me for a long time?"


Jiang Ji's black eyes calmly rested on her face.

The deep eyes are like the calm sea surface in the deep sea, with a huge whirlpool hidden.

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

Jiang Ji picked her up slowly and put her in his arms,

He wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned over, and kissed her little by little.

He cupped her face in his big palm, touching his lips and teeth,

Gentle and lingering.

Fu Sheng stared at him blankly,

After a while, she gently hugged his waist and closed her eyes.

My heart is sweet.

in spite of,

He's just interested in her.

The girl leaned in his arms and responded obediently.

I don't know how long we kissed,

The two of them loosened their breath slightly,

Jiang Ji's chest rose and fell, and the beating of her heart echoed in her ears, as if expressing his passionate feelings,

He hugged her waist, quietly, with bright lips.

Soft lips pressed against her forehead gently, breathing hot.

Fusheng was not much better, her eyes were watery and her cheeks were pink.

She hugged his waist carefully, seeming a little nervous.

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