The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 902 Professor, teach me (43)


She patted a man buried on her neck, her voice was soft,

"Jiang Ji, this is outside."

"..." The man paused.

His voice was a little hoarse, he held her for a while, and then gave a low "hmm".

three minutes later,

The man let go of her and put on the seat belt,

The car started steadily and left the Civil Affairs Bureau.

along the way,

Jiang Ji's breath still seemed to be unstable, his lips and teeth were bright red, and his black eyes were deep.

The speed of the car is also faster than before.

Fu Sheng blinked, as if realizing something, her cheeks blushed silently.

She lowered her head, and quietly arranged her clothes. The ring on her finger looked very beautiful.

Fu Sheng played with her ring silently, her soft eyes slightly moistened.

ten minutes later,

The car drove into the gate of the community.

After parking the car firmly in the underground parking lot,

Jiang Ji unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door, and walked out carrying her schoolbag.

Fu Sheng followed behind him.

The man calmly took her hand and entered the elevator.

It was quiet all the way.


The elevator bell rang, and the door slowly opened.

Fusheng was led by the man and walked to the door of her house.

After taking out the key to open the door,

Jiang Ji looked at her deeply, his lips were bright red,

"Do you know what will happen when you enter this door?"

"..." Fusheng's ears turned red.

She was quiet for a moment, then said "hmm" in a low voice.

became husband and wife,

It is natural to do the most intimate thing between husband and wife.

Jiang Ji slowly took a step closer to her, hugged her waist, breathing steadily,

"So don't be afraid, okay?"

He spoke softly, as if trying to comfort her.

Soft lips lightly covered the corners of her eyes, her phoenix eyes were quiet.

"Hmm..." Fu Sheng wasn't that nervous at first,

When I told him, I became even more nervous.

Jiang Ji opened the door and led her in.

After closing the door and putting away the schoolbag,

Jiang Ji touched Fusheng's face, his tone was still gentle and gentle,

"Are you hungry?"

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, rubbed his stomach,

it's five o'clock

It's time to eat.


The little girl is confident, super blunt.

Jiang Ji nodded slightly, turned and went into the kitchen.


He came out with a bowl of noodles, steaming hot and full of aroma.

After washing his hands, Fu Sheng sat on the stool, swaying his legs, and waited obediently.

Jiang Ji placed the noodles in front of her, and handed her the chopsticks by the way.

Fu Sheng glanced at him, "Why don't you eat?"

Jiang Ji slightly bent his lips, stared at her, shook his head, "I'm not hungry."


Fusheng lowered her head, holding the bowl and eating quietly.

The man beside her kept staring at her, tapping his knuckles slowly, as if he was waiting for something.

The surface capacity is not much,

The man obviously calculated her food intake,

ten minutes later,

Fu Sheng pushed the leftover noodles to him, as if a little embarrassed,

"I am full……"

Jiang Ji looked at her quietly.

Without saying a word, he took her chopsticks and continued to finish the remaining few bites.

Fu Sheng sat aside and took a sip of water.

After Jiang Ji finished eating, he put the bowl away in the kitchen.

five minutes later,

He washed his hands, took off his apron, and came out.

inside the house,

The curtains were all drawn quickly, tight and airtight.

The light in the room suddenly dimmed.

Fu Sheng was resting on the sofa, when she saw him walking towards her, her body froze, na na,

"Now... now?"

"It's... still daytime!"

Jiang Ji stood in front of her, his black eyes staring at her calmly, his lips curled slightly,

He untied the belt around his waist slowly and put it aside unhurriedly.

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