The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 905 Professor, teach me (46)


Jiang Ji's clear eyes were gradually stained with a smile, he hugged her waist, put his head on her body, and spoke calmly,

"Ma'am, do you like that I don't take the initiative?"

"...No, I like you to rest."

Fu Sheng was expressionless.

Jiang Ji's expression did not change, and he continued to smile, "Madam, you are making trouble for no reason again."

Fu Sheng: "..."





The two went home together.

Their new home is still in the original community, but it occupies a larger area, and a new study room has been added to the home.

Because Fusheng is still young and still studying,

So the elders don't have to worry about having a baby, they have to let nature take its course.

Naturally, the home furnishings did not take children into consideration.

Until the premarital examination reports of the two came out,

Only then did the elders realize that the matter was serious.


Fusheng is sterile.

In fact, Fusheng knew from the very beginning that there was no way for him to have children with the fragments in the plane.

After all, King's Landing is a god, the supreme god-king,

Once you have blood,

A fragile plane cannot bear the birth of a child,

So she has always been mentally prepared.

However, she was worried about her own man.

But obviously,

Jiang Ji didn't care about the child's affairs at all.

She protects her little wife tightly, and protects her very well in front of her elders.

go home at night,

Jiang Ji went to take a bath,

Fusheng lay on the bed, recalling the premarital examination report, sighed, helpless,

"Tuanzi, why did you make it so that I couldn't give birth? It's obvious that Dabai couldn't give birth."

She felt like she was being blamed every time.

Tuanzi: [emm... The main thing is, we dare not make big pieces. 】

Tuanzi was ashamed.

"...So, he can actually give birth?"

[As long as adults are willing, theoretically speaking, it is possible. 】

[It's just that the blood of an adult really can't be born here... After the power of an adult is passed on to the baby, the plane will definitely not be able to support such a large amount of energy. 】

[What's more, adults haven't fully recovered yet, even if you have a baby, your power will be incomplete and lacking. If you count as one baby in each of your planes... When you come back, you will see a A lot of unhealthy babies...]

At that time, things will suffer.

" you made me infertile?"

Fu Sheng was silent,

"What if he slept with a woman who could conceive?"

[Do you think it is possible? 】

[Except for you, it is impossible for adults to sleep with other women. 】


Fu Sheng was silent.


In terms of emotion,

She really didn't have the courage to affirm that he would definitely fall in love with her.

After all, feelings are such a thing,

It's really unpredictable.

To some extent,

He and she are indeed destined partners, a natural pair,

except her,

It is almost impossible for him to fall in love with someone else.

But... who knows what will happen in the future?

Fusheng lowered her eyes, her emotions slightly complicated.

【Madam, don't worry~】

[This method is the safest. 】

【You are infertile, and adults don't want to be with others, so naturally you won't leave blood~】

Tuanzi thinks this method is very good.

[Does Madam really want to have children? 】

It asked curiously.

"...That's not true."

"I prefer to go with the flow."

【Oh...the lady wants boys and girls? 】

"It's all right."

Fusheng is very Buddhist in this respect.

As long as it is a baby, she likes it.

【Aw... Then the lady and the adults have a child, so I will be an aunt? ! 】

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