The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 912 Hold me, please (4)

Chapter 912 Hold me, please (4)


"Do you think it's okay? If it's possible, we'll take on this drama. It just so happens that this drama can be connected with the recent murder case, so it must be very popular."

"...But the problem is, there is no result in the end."

Fusheng's whole heart was aroused.

She looked down at the script, thought for a while,

I don't know who wrote the script.

The process of environment rendering and killing is extremely detailed and thoughtful,

It's just like……

He experienced the same himself.

Fusheng is quite courageous,

But I feel a little creepy looking at it alone, let alone a timid person.

After thinking about it, Fu Sheng said to the phone,

"Sister Wang, just accept this play?"

Sister Wang nodded, "Okay, then I will negotiate with the crew this afternoon."

"This drama is a movie, and the shooting intensity seems to be quite high. You can take a good rest today, and I will prepare the contract."

Fusheng agreed.

hang up the phone,

She grunted and read the script carefully again.

The script is really well written,

The characters are well done,

is the murderer...

do not know who.

It was hidden so well that there was really no telling.

the final picture,

The sound of heavy footsteps in the hospital corridor is getting closer,

The two policemen next to the operating table,

Like a guinea pig teased by a murderer,

There is no way to fight back.

the screen freezes,

Who will win in the end is hard to predict.


It makes people's hearts itch.

Fu Sheng lay on the sofa, hooked his feet, watched it over and over again,

A person without curiosity like her,

I can't help but look at it,

Let alone the audience.

at last,

The girl who couldn't find the result finally sighed and put the script on the coffee table.




Fu Sheng found the screenwriter's contact information,

Unwilling to give up, she sent an email to him.

The screenwriter came back soon, and the rhetoric was exactly the same as what Sister Wang said.

He didn't know who the final murderer was,

This script was suddenly sent to him by an unknown mailbox one day, allowing him to use it for commercial shooting.

The screenwriter had never seen such a wonderful, ups and downs, and suspenseful script, so he changed a few words symbolically and gave it to the company.

Following the company's hand, it fell on Fusheng again,

That's how the script came about.

After thinking about it, Fu Sheng asked him for the number of the unknown mailbox.

The screenwriter sent it over quickly.

Fu Sheng read the script again,

Then, she sent an email to the unknown mailbox,

After briefly introducing myself,

She asked the final murderer in an expectant tone.

click send,

Fu Sheng waited patiently for a while,

The other party seems to be offline and there is no response.

Fu Sheng sighed, and silently turned off the computer.

never mind,

She was probably mentally prepared,

The murderer was nowhere to be found.



the next day,

"Urgent news from our station—"

"Last night, popular actress Su Yingying died tragically at home for no reason. Her body was mutilated and left everywhere in the house."

"The murderer's modus operandi is exactly the same as that of the women who were killed a few days ago. Both limbs were cut off alive, and the head was full of scratches."

"The police have urgently sealed off the Jianghu villa area to carry out investigation and evidence collection."

"The police remind the general public to be cautious when going out, and close the doors and windows when staying at home. Don't open the door for strangers. Everything is about safety."


Fusheng just woke up and was about to wash and change clothes.

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