The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 920 Hug me, please (12)

Chapter 920 Hug me, please (12)


at this time,

Xiaolin walked over with her costume in hand,

"Sister Sheng, should you change your clothes now? The director said that the filming will start soon."

Fu Sheng withdrew her thoughts, glanced at her, and nodded.

into the locker room,

As soon as the door closed,

Suddenly, a hand was stretched out from the curtain behind her, wrapping around her waist.

Fu Sheng was startled.

but soon,

The cold breath came from the person behind him, slightly turned her face away, lowered her head and kissed her.

Fu Sheng blinked,

He quickly realized that it was him.

under the light,

At last the face of the man is fully revealed,

He wore a low black peaked cap,

The beautiful jaw line is against her, and the lips and teeth are bright red.

His complexion is very white, so white that it is almost pale and transparent, the coquettish blood-red eye tails are slightly raised, with a bit of ghostly evil,

The big calloused hands caressed her face and ears slowly, as if she couldn't put it down.

Fu Sheng stayed for a few seconds.

The man bowed his head and kissed her for a long time,

This time, I probably mastered some skills and methods.

Gentle and gentle, but a little more ambiguous that makes people blush and heartbeat.

Fusheng's cheeks slowly turned red.

"I... I put on lipstick..."

She just painted it, and it is estimated that he has almost licked it by now.


Xiaolin waited outside for a while, but when there was no sound, she knocked on the door.

"Sister Sheng, have you changed your clothes yet?"

Fu Sheng suddenly turned her face back,

She coughed lightly and said,

"Not yet, I think the size is a bit inappropriate, you can ask the props team if there is a size up."

Xiaolin agrees,

"Okay, I'll go right away."

There was no sound outside the door.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips, patted the man buried in her neck, her voice was soft,

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by the police?"


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【Total approval rate: 51%】

The man sneered lightly, his voice a little hoarse,

"Those idiots can't even find anyone to suspect, it's me standing in front of them..."

None of them had evidence to catch him.

The man's tone was slightly drawn out.

He stared at the girl's soft white earlobe, narrowed his coquettish phoenix eyes slightly, seemed a little pleased,

"You care about me."

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded,

"Be careful in the future, don't be too proud."

She does worry about him.


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The man in the peaked cap turned her face away and wanted to kiss her again.

Fu Sheng turned around suddenly, held his face in his hands, and spoke softly,

"What's your name? My name is Jiang Yuesheng, and I'm twenty-two years old."

"..." The man put his icy hands on her body, his coquettish pupils narrowed slightly.

Seems to be thinking about something.

Fusheng immediately stood on tiptoe and kissed him,

"Tell me~"

She rubbed his face, acting like a baby.

"..." The man paused.

He stared at her emotionlessly, a strange light flashed in his pupils, his voice was hoarse,


"...Huh?" Fu Sheng was taken aback.

She suddenly thought of something, stood on tiptoe and kissed again, her tone was soft,

"Tell me, okay~"

The little girl acted like a baby really easily, without any panic.


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【Total approval: 56%】

"Mu Li, twenty-nine years old."

The man stared at her, his cold hands slowly tracing her facial features.

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