The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 928 Hold me, please (20)


It's really annoying...


Who should be killed?

The man's scarlet and cruel smile widened, and his eyes slowly fell on a little boy at the bus stop not far away.

He is carrying his schoolbag at the moment, obediently waiting for his mother to pick him up.

Little boy sits on a stool at a bus stop, dangling his legs,

His clear eyes watched the passing cars, oblivious to the impending danger.

A man in a black raincoat approached slowly,

Like a hunting beast, it doesn't care about the vigilance of its prey at all.

In the dim light,

The silver knife is sharp, cold, and has a beautiful luster.

The black raincoat slowly approached,



Suddenly a huge lightning bolt appeared, illuminating the vast sky,


The sound of thunder resounded through the sky.

The car parked on the street was frightened for a moment, and began to sound a rapid siren.

The little boy sitting at the bus stop was startled,

Bai Nennen's small face shrank a little, as if she was a little scared.

He turned his head and looked around,


A tall man in a black raincoat stood two meters away from him, his hat was low and his face was hidden in the darkness, making it impossible to see clearly.

With a heavy bloody killing intent on his body, he was obviously silent, but it was inexplicable,

Heart suffocation.

Children are always extremely sensitive to unknown dangers.

He hugged his schoolbag nervously, and quietly shrank back his small body.

The man slowly bent his lips, showing a scarlet and treacherous smile.

The silver knife was raised slowly, with a bit of excitement.

"Mu Li—"

A pair of clean and soft hands suddenly grabbed him with a soft voice.

The man stopped instantly.

The rain that fell on the clothes had stopped at some point.

An umbrella, held quietly above him,

Covered him from all icy rain.

The little boy blinked his big clear eyes, looked at the beautiful woman behind the man, and inexplicably began to relax.

he felt

There seemed to be no danger around here.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips, stood on tiptoe, and held an umbrella for the man.

She gently held his wrist and pulled, with a gentle tone,

"Let's go home, shall we?"

"You're not here, I'm afraid."

"..." The man's strange and bloodthirsty eyes flickered.

Fu Sheng carefully opened his fingers and took the silver knife off.

"Tuanzi, catch it."

Tuanzi: [...Ah? 】

It hasn't reacted yet,

A silver knife fell from the sky and hit it instantly.

Tuanzi: […]



After removing the silver knife,

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, took his hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and held it.

The man stood still without saying a word.

It wasn't until the two held hands that he moved slightly and held her.

"Let's go, shall we go home?"

Fu Sheng shook his hand and acted softly.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 79%】

The little boy tilted his head and watched the two holding hands,

Holding his small schoolbag in his arms, he murmured and covered his eyes all at once.

Mama said,

Hold hands to be shy,

He can't look around.

The little boy closed his eyes solemnly.


A car stopped at the bus stop,

A young woman stepped out of the car, looking anxious,

"Baby? Baby, I'm sorry, mom is late from get off work."

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Are you hungry?"


She reached out to hug him.

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