The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 930 Hold me, please (22)


"..." The man narrowed his eyes slightly and remained silent.

For a long time,

He whispered,

"Hate it, it's raining."

Hate, someone is blocking him.

He was like a child complaining, complaining silently.

Fu Sheng bent her eyes slightly, her brows and eyes becoming more and more soft.

She reached out, covered his ears, and asked softly,

"Isn't it better like this?"

"..." The man's eyes were fixed.

His body relaxed slightly, and he gave a slight "hmm".

with her

Actually, it's much, much better.

Fu Sheng couldn't help laughing,

She lowered her head and kissed him, probably knowing that his murderous switch was on.

rainy day,


Both can make him extremely irritable.

Once irritable,

His tyrannical factor will start to be released, inducing him to kill.


The crux of the matter was his emotions.

Fu Sheng covered his ears, thoughtful.

The man lay in her arms and was quiet for a long time before slowly closing his eyes.

The cold hands were placed on her warm and soft belly, gradually adding some warmth.


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Fu Sheng waited patiently for a long time.

Until it is confirmed that Mu Li is really asleep,

She breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully moved her stiff body.

The sound of the rain outside is already very small,

It's almost inaudible through the window.

Fu Sheng's hand slowly moved away from his ear.

She gently tucked the quilt for him, and then looked at him for a long time.

Mu Li was buried in her arms, seeming to be in a deep sleep,

The eyebrows and eyes eased, and the beautiful and sinister side face added a bit of softness and obedience.

Like a pretty little boy, innocent and harmless.

Fu Sheng stared at him for a long time.

She slowly touched his face, her eyes were slightly complicated,

blame her

If it wasn't for her,

The previous plane would not have become so bad,

Also got involved here.

Her whiteness should not have been in the dark.

Fu Sheng became a little depressed.

She kissed his forehead and whispered,

"I'm sorry Dabai..."

It was me who killed you...

A sleeping man with a peaceful face.

I don't know anything about her guilt.



Early the next morning.

Sister Wang arrived outside the villa in a nanny car.

She got out of the car, opened the door and entered the villa directly.

As soon as the door opened,

She saw two people in the living room, lying on the sofa and kissing,

The man pressed the girl, and the scene was ambiguous for a while.

Sister Wang turned around in an instant.

She coughed lightly, signaling to the two people inside.

Fu Sheng patted someone on top of him, and pushed him away at once.

Her cheeks were flushed, her neck was covered with red marks, and her clothes were messed up.

As for the man sitting next to her, he was neatly dressed and looked normal except for his deep red lips.

Fu Sheng glared at him, lowered her head and silently adjusted her clothes.

The man was obviously in a good mood, resting his head on her shoulder, playing with her hair one after another.

After Fusheng tidies up her clothes,

He let down her hair again, and hugged her waist instead.

The phoenix eyes narrowed happily, with a rippling luster.

Fu Sheng glanced at him, but didn't say a word, as if he acquiesced to his actions.

She coughed lightly and said to Sister Wang,

"Miss Wang, are you here? Come and sit down"

Only then did Miss Wang turn around.

Seeing the man who had been clinging to Fusheng, she frowned, but said nothing.

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