The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 932 Hold me, please (24)


There is still a long way to go before he can control the tyrannical and murderous emotions in his heart.

Fu Sheng held the hand of the man who had been holding her all this time,

Cover him habitually.

Putting it on her stomach last night, when he woke up early in the morning, his hands were actually much warmer,

Although her stomach was also a little cold, it was barely acceptable.

Fu Sheng was very happy.

Sitting in the back, Sister Wang watched the two of them together, and was silent, not daring to speak out.

In fact, she doesn't agree with falling in love now,

A female star is in the rising period of her career. Although she has become a movie queen, she is still not tall enough.

Now that you are in love, if the public finds out...

The impact on the career is definitely more harm than good.

Both of us don't want to break up now.

The company doesn't know yet.

It can only be... How long can I hide it.

Sister Wang looked down at her phone helplessly.



The scene of the press conference.

The seats below were full of reporters,

They held the microphones and kept whispering in private,

In view of the recent surge in the murder case, not only the police and the government attach great importance to it, but even the netizens are eating melons one after another, and the attention is extremely high.

However, the popular actress Jiang Yuesheng's mother was killed and her heart was missing.

This incident pushed the case to a climax.

Fans retweeted,

Condolences and condolences under Jiang Yuesheng Weibo,

The onlookers kept watching the play, waiting for the further development of the matter.

Fu Sheng put on her makeup and changed her clothes in the dressing room, read the manuscript several times, and probably knew it.

Today, she mainly explained the situation to everyone to avoid fans' worries, and then appealed to the police to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

After reading the manuscript, Fu Sheng put it on the dressing table.


Mu Li picked it up.

After a quick glance,

He sneered, and put the speech aside indifferently,

To catch the murderer?

Just by those idiots?

The man leaned over and hugged Fusheng.

Fu Sheng rubbed his head and said softly,

"Mu Li, you can stay here for a while, okay?"

She didn't want him in flashing lights.

There are so many reporters outside,

In case the police point the object of investigation at him,

That would be bad.

Fu Sheng had to think about him.

Mu Li narrowed his eyes slowly.


"Didn't it be agreed that we won't separate?"

Fu Sheng hesitated for a moment, then patiently whispered in his ear, explaining to him,

"What if you are photographed and the police find you?"

"I don't want you to be exposed to flashlights."

She was serious, trying to protect him.

Mu Li paused.

He lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

After a while, he seemed to show a very pleasant smile, which was faint and gentle.

"It's okay, it's okay to take pictures."

It's useless for them to check,

Investigation without evidence is called harassment.

The man's phoenix eyes are dark,

He leaned over to cover her lips and kissed her slowly.


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The press conference officially started.

Fu Sheng walked onto the stage under the escort of bodyguards.

The cameras of all the reporters pointed at her in an instant, and they started taking photos and recording frantically.

Fusheng's makeup today is very light, pale,

The clothing is also very simple, wearing a white skirt,

The curly hair hung down, lining up her small face, which was plain and haggard.

This is a make-up artist and stylist specially made for her,

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