The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 946 Hold me, please (38)


Then, carefully holding down her head, he hugged her whole body in his arms.

She is very small, and every time she holds him, it is very difficult.

Only when he hugs her is it easy.

Mu Li slowly stroked her face, feeling unclear.

It's just that there is a gentle pity hidden in the bottom of the eyes.

She's trying to protect him,

How could he want her to live so aggrieved all her life?



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Early the next morning.

When Fu Sheng woke up, he didn't see Mu Li.

She sat up from the bed and looked around in confusion.


"..." There was no response in the room.

Fu Sheng blinked and got out of bed.

After washing,

She walked out of the bedroom.

The downstairs living room was empty,

Quietly, Mu Li didn't seem to be there.

On the table,

There was a set of clean cutlery, and there seemed to be a note on the side.

Fu Sheng blinked and walked downstairs.

Pick up the note and look at it,

"There is porridge and bread in the pot."

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be back soon."

——Mu Li.

After reading it, Fusheng put down the note without thinking too much.

She stretched and walked into the kitchen.

【Mom, madam, you got up so early today? 】

Tuanzi was surprised.

Last night was the wedding night for the two of them,

Logically speaking,

Madame should sleep until noon or afternoon before waking up.

And tired.


"Kids, don't think about it."

Fusheng carefully picked up the porridge in the pot.

The temperature is just right, neither too high nor too low,

It is estimated that Mu Li calculated exactly what time she got up, and then cooked breakfast.

Fusheng sat on the sofa with bread and porridge in her mouth.

It's rare for Mu Li to be away,

She happens to be able to watch TV.

on tv,

Broadcasts of serial killers are almost gone,

Since the murderer never reappeared,

People's attention was quickly diverted.

Now on the entertainment news, it's about her sudden marriage.

Fu Sheng watched quietly for a while.

While drinking porridge, while tsk tsk,

"Tell me, it's obvious that I'm getting married, why do you have so many opinions?"

"Full of righteous indignation, as if I got married and they killed the whole family."

[emm... this is probably, hate because of love? 】

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows,

"The love of fans is very cheap."

As long as the company packs it,

Then sell it badly, or pretend to be a person,

There are a large number of fans who are like silly Baitian, rushing forward to send money and love.

Once the human setting collapses,

A large number of fans will disperse and pounce on others.

this love,

It's so cheap that she can't avoid it at all.

Fu Sheng thought about this matter very thoroughly.

[So... is this the reason why Madam quit and didn't want to be a star? 】

"That's not true."

"I don't want to be a star because I'm worried about Dabai."

She doesn't have so much time to think about fans.

Fu Sheng put down the bowl.

Speaking of...

What did Mu Li do?

She looked towards the door.



that night,

Mu Li is back.

Hold her, quietly, like a big dog.

Fu Sheng originally wanted to ask him where he went,

But seeing that he was a little tired and didn't have the strength to speak, he didn't ask any more questions.


for several days,

Mu Li always leaves early and returns late,

Don't know what to do.

Fu Sheng soon became busy,

To her surprise, the company still didn't intend to terminate the contract with her.

Instead, a request was made to amend the contract.

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