The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 963 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (11)


Into the palace,

The butler immediately greeted him with a smile, and became much more amiable.

"My lord, are you back? How are you doing outside today?"

Fu Sheng has a weird face,

"...It's...not bad."

Did they take the wrong medicine?

A sudden 180-degree turn in attitude,

You're not going to kill her tonight, are you?

Fu Sheng looked around.

"Then... Your Majesty is ready for dinner?"

the butler asked respectfully.

Fu Sheng let out a "hmm".

She endured, did not hold back, doubted,

"Did you take the wrong medicine?"

The butler was taken aback.

Immediately, he quickly reacted, bowed respectfully,

"Princess Wangfei, you are a princess, and you have married into the palace, so you are naturally the mistress of the palace."

"Last night, because the prince was unwell, the servants in the mansion neglected you. This is their serious dereliction of duty. The slaves have already punished them."

"Please don't worry about the situation this morning. It will never happen again in the future. Your Majesty has a lot of people. Can you please let me be lenient this time..."

Fu Sheng blinked.

The housekeeper thought she was still angry, and continued to add,

"Don't worry, ma'am, you can do whatever you want in the future. The slave will personally watch over the meals. During breakfast, lunch and dinner time, someone will invite you to the hall."

"..." Fu Sheng raised her eyebrows.

this attitude,

She didn't believe it without his permission.


Her big baby is still fine.

Fu Sheng was satisfied.

In fact, she doesn't have so many demands, as long as she can live in peace, that's all.

"Since that's the case, then that's it. I'm tired, so I don't care about the previous things."

"Yes, yes, thank you, ma'am."

The butler is busy laughing,

"Your Majesty is tired, do you want to take a hot bath? The servant has already asked them to prepare it."


Fusheng smiled, but she didn't put on airs at all.

After taking her back to the house,

The butler breathed a sigh of relief, and stood there watching for a while,

this princess,

In fact, the bottom of my heart is still very good.

If it were someone else,

Maybe how to be arrogant and domineering.

The butler smiled and left quickly.




In the study.

In the quiet and fragrant air, there were a few low coughing sounds from time to time,

Coughing is very frequent, one after another, almost without stopping.

By the bright candlelight,

The man was wearing a dark purple robe, his pale hand was covering his lips, his breathing was a little unstable,

He seems to want to pick up the teacup and drink tea,

It's just that he coughed so badly that he still put down his teacup.

The butler came in and immediately became nervous when he saw his appearance.

"My lord, do you have a bad cough? Do you want to tell the imperial physician?"


Qin Zikuo raised his eyes slowly, looked at him with deep eyebrows, and spoke calmly,

"No need."


He coughed twice again, his pale crimson lips became a little pale,

However, he fixedly looked behind the butler, his dark eyes were peaceful,

"What about her?"

"Go back to the lord, the princess just came back, and she has already gone back to rest."

Qin Zikuo paused, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, a dark purple streamer flashed,


The housekeeper was stunned, na na,

" that called a princess?"

Did he speculate on the prince's mind?

The butler was a little nervous.

Qin Zikuo lowered his eyes slowly,

The slender fingers lightly touched the teacup, and nodded slowly,

The sound is obviously not loud,

But invisibly, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The housekeeper slowly broke out in a cold sweat. .

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