The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 965 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (13)


"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? You are the mistress of the palace, so it is naturally possible."


Fu Sheng blinked his eyes.

"My lady, please."

The steward leads the way.

Fu Sheng stroked her hair and followed.

Chenwang Mansion is very big,

The place where she lives seems to be on the east side, a little far from the hall,

The housekeeper led her around,

In the end, he successfully knocked her out, and only then did he reach the dining hall.

far away,

Fu Sheng saw the dark purple figure.

The man seems to be reading a book,

As she got closer, she could still hear him coughing now and then.

Fu Sheng suddenly thought,

In this world, his body seems to be a little out of sorts.

She frowned slightly.

"My lord, the princess is here."

The butler entered the hall, made a report, and then stepped aside consciously, acting as a transparent person.

Fusheng stood there, looked at the man in the wheelchair, pursed his lips slightly, and obediently saluted,

"Your Highness."

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled, and he coughed lightly.

He slowly raised his eyes, his dark pupils looked at her peacefully, with a dark purple gleam faintly.

Fu Sheng was stunned,


King's Landing?

watched for a few seconds,

She tightened her hands suddenly,

No, he is not King's Landing.

Jun Lin looked at her with gentle eyes, and his pupils were not so pale.

【Madam, he is a fragment, not an adult. 】

Fu Sheng stared at him without blinking.

Qin Zikuo coughed a few more times, his fingertips curled up, and his breathing was a little unsteady.

He put down the book, turned the wheelchair, and sat on the dining table, very quietly.

Fu Sheng tentatively sat beside him.

The crisp sound of bowls and chopsticks sounded,

The man moved calmly and ate quietly with downcast eyes.

Fu Sheng peeked at him several times,

at last,


"Thank you."

The little girl's voice is very soft, but very serious.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled, and he looked at her with deep and beautiful eyes.

The little girl immediately frowned, revealing her pointed canine teeth,

Her big clear eyes are black and white, and she smiles crookedly,

Cute and cute, inexplicably pleasing.

"..." The man's brows and eyes were still indifferent,

Only the hand holding the chopsticks tightened slightly,


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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 25%】

He responded with a low "hmm".

Fu Sheng didn't speak any more, and lowered his head with a smile, and began to eat.

The atmosphere between the two became much better.


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval: 27%】



After breakfast,

Fu Sheng wanted to leave consciously.

before leaving,

She suddenly thought of something, and carefully asked the man in the wheelchair,

"Your Highness, can I... grab your hand."

"..." The man in the wheelchair looked at her emotionlessly.

He coughed a few times, his handsome face seemed a little pale,

With slender fingers covering her lips, there was a faint medicinal fragrance invisibly.

Afraid that he would disagree, Fu Sheng immediately opened her hand to show him,

"Your Highness, my hands are very clean and have just been washed."

"Just... touch it?"

Fu Sheng stretched out his hand tentatively.

The man's deep phoenix eyes looked at her calmly.

No nod, no rejection.

Fusheng slowly grasped his wrist.

She found the position slightly with her fingertips, and then paused.

Qin Zikuo stared at her, then slowly lowered his eyes without saying a word.

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