The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 976 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (24)





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【Total approval: 70%】


Fu Sheng took advantage of his daze,

Immediately untied his skirt.

Because the kiss was a little absent-minded,

So she didn't notice that the man's eyes were trembling,

He stared fixedly at the girl who was close at hand, and even stopped breathing,

Holding her hand, he grasped it vainly, without using any more force.

Fu Sheng untied his belt smoothly,

Then she began to untie her belt again.

After all untied,

While kissing, she undressed him,

Although the lips are simply attached,

But the man seemed to have lost his strength, and he had no power to resist.


Fusheng picked him up and put him in the bathtub.

Due to the delay just now, the water is a little cold,

Fusheng warmed the water calmly, and then finally left the man's lips.


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval: 72%】

"..." Qin Zikuo slowly lowered his eyes, staring at the water surface, a little absent-minded,

I don't know whether it is the effect of water vapor or because the surrounding is too hot.

His ears turned red at some point,

It was scalding hot, full of blood-congesting temperatures.

pale face,

Also faintly smudged with a touch of pink,

He looked like a boy who was being molested for the first time, innocent and helpless.

Fu Sheng turned behind him, and slowly rolled up his hair.

After simply tying up,

She looked at it with satisfaction, smiled,

"Look, isn't that good?"

"..." The man's long eyelashes quivered.

Fu Sheng's eyes touched his legs.

soaked in water,

His legs are still shocking,

It is full of knife scars, one after another, overlapping,

Maybe it's been a while,

The scars are already fading,

However, there are still many traces that are dark and hideous,

It spread all the way to the base of the thigh before disappearing.

Because of years of disability,

His leg muscles had begun to atrophy,

Two dry legs, full of scars,

One can imagine how badly he was injured.

Fu Sheng's fingers trembled slightly.

The man lowered his head and was very quiet,

He knew her eyes were watching,


He didn't say anything.

It's just that his fists were slowly clenched, and his body began to tense.

Fu Sheng looked at it for a long time,

at last,

She resisted the soreness in the corners of her eyes,

Gently, leaned over and hugged him from behind,

Leaning his head on his shoulder, his tone was gentle,

"It's okay, it's not ugly."

"..." The man's long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Fu Sheng kissed him,

"Your Highness is very powerful and has defeated many people."

"These are all your achievements."

She pressed against his cheek, rubbing it,

"Your Highness, don't be sad, okay?"

"..." The man loosened his fist slightly.

under steam,

His side face was hazy, and it was dyed a little softer,

quietly silent,

like a statue.

Fusheng was afraid that he would be sad, so she kept hugging him,

It's almost a quarter of an hour,

She picked up the soft towel and carefully washed his whole body.

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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 73%】

After taking a bath,

Fu Sheng hugged him and got dressed,


She carefully put him on the bed.

Qin Zikuo raised his long eyelashes slightly, and looked at her quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fusheng sat on the edge of the bed, moved her fingers,

"Your Highness, shall I begin?"


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