The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 978 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (26)


It really coveted all kinds of things in the plane for a long time,

Just waiting to take human form.

Fu Sheng blinked and blinked, "How old will you appear in human form? A baby?"

[No, no, being able to transform into a human form means that I have become an adult, that is to say, when the time comes, I will directly become a super beautiful big beauty~]

Dumplings: (^o^)

【Liushang said that when I transform into a human form, he will give me a big gift and a hug to celebrate my adulthood~】

"..." Fu Sheng paused,

She gave a long oh and smiled,

"Well, you should really hug."

waited so long,

He finally waited.

"In this case, I will also give you a gift to celebrate your coming of age, okay?"


【Really! ? 】



Fu Sheng smiled, "You have been with me for so long, it has been very hard, so I should thank you."


【Then...the lady, can I accompany you in the plane? 】

【Just this plane, I want to play~】


"When you take shape, come."

Tuanzi: [OK~]

The mirror closes.

Tuanzi fluttered around excitedly,

[Liu Shang~ Tell me, will I become a super invincible and beautiful big beauty by then? 】

Bai Wu: "..."

"I guess so."

Dumplings: (ω)

【Then I want to find a lot of little brothers~】

It began to count with its fingers,

[I like gentle, domineering, cute, well-behaved...]

Bai Wu: "..."

He was silent for a while, silently covering its mouth.

"Don't think about it now, when the time comes, you will know what you like."

Bai Wu's tone was calm.

Tuanzi: ...?

It was quiet for a moment, and then, it closed its mouth obediently.


Anyway, it likes to be gentle.




The second day, the third day, the fourth day,

According to the time, Fusheng began to bathe and massage Qin Zikuo in Qin Zikuo's room every night,


Qin Zikuo has acquiesced to all her actions,

as long as she comes

He looked at her quietly and let her play with her.


The approval rate has also reached 80%.

The last time I used divine power to set bones,

Fu Sheng finished massaging him as usual, then lifted his foot and moved it,

"Your Highness, can you feel anything now?"

Fu Sheng turned to look at him.

Qin Zikuo raised his long eyelashes slightly,

For a long time,

He shook his head, very quiet.

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then looked down,


The muscles and bones have been fully connected,

Fearing that there was something wrong, she checked everything back and forth,

In addition to muscle atrophy,

The others should be fine.

Fu Sheng was a little confused.

Do not believe in evil,

She grabbed his wrist again, feeling his pulse carefully,

The man looked at her quietly, his brows and eyes softened slightly.

"..." Fu Sheng was a little depressed,

"I really don't feel it?"

She pinched his leg tentatively.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled,

Fusheng followed everywhere again,

when touching the thigh,

The man pressed her hand for a moment, his shallow lavender eyes looked at her calmly, his tone was gentle,

"a little bit."

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

Suddenly she saw something,

His face flushed red, and he withdrew his hand in a nah,

"Hold... sorry, I didn't mean to."

Qin Zikuo coughed twice.

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