The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 982 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (30)


Qin Zikuo slowly opened his eyes.

With slightly lavender eyes, she looked at the front calmly, with little emotion.

Three thousand black hairs the color of crow feathers were scattered around the pillow, making his face extraordinarily deep and beautiful,

With his hands on his sides, he moved slightly,

The man sat up quietly.

When his eyes touched the pants, there was still some unknown liquid on them.

He stared intently, his lips were bright red,

last night,

He dreamed of her.

She was in his arms, wrapped around him,

The cheeks are soft and delicate, like a goblin, wanting to kiss him.

The man's eyes gradually darkened.

Exhalation also becomes heavy.

Even if only in a dream,

He can also feel that extreme happiness.

turn out to be……

do that kind of thing,

will be so comfortable.

The man lowered his eyes slowly, his face calm.

for a while,

He slowly raised his leg and landed,

tall body,

Finally stood up straight.


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When Fusheng woke up,

He ran to find Qin Zikuo immediately.


He is still in the wheelchair and has no feeling in his legs.

Fusheng touched around, feeling a little dazed,

Logically speaking,

His muscles and bones have been fully connected,

Except for muscle atrophy, everything else should be the same as normal people.

At least,

Can not feel.


Squeeze Fu Sheng everywhere,

Qin Zikuo didn't show any expression.

Only when he touched the thigh, he held her hand down.

"..." Fusheng coughed lightly, moved away awkwardly,

"Sorry, Your Highness."

Qin Zikuo looked at her calmly.

Fusheng didn't believe in evil, so he checked again.

at last,

She also checked the man's pulse once.


Obviously it was perfect.

Fu Sheng sighed, stood up,

"Your Highness, I'll go back and look for the book again, maybe I missed some places."

Qin Zikuo raised his long eyelashes slightly,

The little girl was obviously unexpected about his situation,

Or is it……

She never doubted him.

The corners of the man's lips raised slightly.




Fusheng came with a map of human meridians.

She now seriously doubts her memory,


She planned to check it against the book.

After giving Qin Zikuo a bath,

Fusheng dressed him skillfully,

The man has been taking medicinal baths recently, so his body is full of faint medicinal fragrance,

He put his head on her shoulder and quietly let her dress him.

When his eyes fell on the side of the girl's face,

He seemed to hook the corners of his lips, a little pleased.

After Fusheng dressed him, he leaned against the bed carefully,


Staring at his legs, she began to flip through the book,


The little girl looked at the book, then at his legs,

Finally, puffing out her cheeks in wonder,

" shouldn't be..."

She clearly remembered correctly,

Everything is also perfect.

"..." Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he looked at her calmly.

"Your Highness, don't you feel anything here?"

Fu Sheng touched his knee.


"..." Fusheng blinked, completely dumbfounded.

what's the situation……

Is there something wrong with her divine power?

Fu Sheng stared blankly at her hands.

The man seemed to be amused by her bewildered expression,

He turned his face sideways, curled his fingertips, and silently covered the smile on his lips.

Fu Sheng looked over.

The man lowered his eyes immediately, coughed a few times in a low voice,

Fu Sheng pursed her lips.

what to do,

She is starting to doubt herself now.

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