The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 988 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (36)


It seems that I have to find an opportunity.

Fu Sheng lowered his head, thinking slowly.

After a few seconds, she looked at Qin Zikuo, hesitating,

"Your Highness, just now... did I really bother you?"

"Sorry, I didn't know you were discussing."

"..." The man suddenly looked at her, his light purple eyes dimmed,

"What did you call me?"

"...Huh?" Fu Sheng was taken aback.

"Your Highness, is there any...question?"

"..." Qin Zikuo looked at her fixedly, without speaking,

at last,

He lowered his eyes and became very quiet.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

"Then... Husband?"

She whispered in his ear, with a touch of temptation.

The girl's tenderness and tenderness, like a light feather, brushed over his heart faintly, making him freeze instantly.

His long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he pursed his lips,

The tips of the ears slowly turned red.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 90%】

Fu Sheng opened his eyes wide, blinked, and suddenly realized something,

She couldn't help but bend her lips and called out again,



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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 91%】

With a smile on his face, Fu Sheng suddenly leaned over and kissed him,

Qin Zikuo raised his long eyelashes slightly and looked at her quietly,

He really doesn't talk much,

Whether you are happy or unhappy, you rarely show it.


This time, his lips slowly raised, and he gave a soft "um".

The deep and handsome face softened, and he took her hand,

In a rare way, he showed his happy side.

Fusheng looked at him for a while, then kissed him again.

She bent down and kissed him earnestly,

Put your hands on his shoulders, and slowly follow his hair,

Qin Zikuo looked at her quietly, his deep eyes sank slightly,

For a long time,

He took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Fusheng didn't dare to sit down for fear of pressing his leg.

But the man directly grabbed her waist and hugged her.


The study became quiet.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 93%】


Fusheng just wanted to kiss him at first,

but did not expect,

Later, it became more and more intense, and evolved into a trend that was about to wipe out the gun,

She pressed his hand, breathing a little unsteadily,

The lips were moistened by the kiss, and there were a few red spots on the neck,

Qin Zikuo obviously didn't feel any better,

Panting heavily, eyes darkened,

He hugged her waist, slowly rubbing it,

Finally, with her thin lips pursed slightly, her voice low and hoarse,

"Shall we get married again?"

this time,

He will hold her hand tightly and worship together.

Fu Sheng was taken aback, looked at him,

"Aren't we already married?"

"...That time, it doesn't count."

The man stared at her with deep eyes.

"We don't have worship halls."

He didn't go to greet her, didn't hold her hand,

I didn't pay homage, and I didn't lift the hijab, seeing her appearance like Fengguanxiapei...


It's all his regret.

He thought, one more time.

"..." Fu Sheng blinked.

She grunted and nodded, "Okay."

"My husband has the final say."


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 94%】

"So... what were you talking about just now?"

Fu Sheng pointed to the seat where Qin Huang sat just now, and asked curiously.

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