Rejecting the invitation of a senior vice president of Google was just a small incident for Xiao Yi.

Compared to being able to freely study any problem he is interested in, joining a company will only make him feel restricted.

So even if Google offers the best terms, he will not agree to join.

The same goes for other companies.

However, to others this seems incredible.

At the age of seventeen, before graduating from college, you can get a basic salary of half a million US dollars. How can you refuse this?

When Raghavan invited Xiao Yi, in addition to the four of them, there were many other people present, including some reporters.

Regarding Raghavan's invitation, they all saw it with their own eyes.

When they heard the conditions given by Raghavan, they all wanted to agree on Xiao Yi's behalf on the spot, but now...

As a result, Xiao Yi became famous that day, and it became popular all over the world.

All major media outlets have released news, whether it is the United States, the United Kingdom, France, etc.

"Genius or Fool?" 17-year-old boy refuses Google’s $500,000 annual salary offer》

"The Pride of a Pure Mathematician?" Or is it the stupidity of pure mathematicians? Xiao Yi gave up an annual salary of US$500,000 just to study pure mathematics"

"Shock! At the age of 17, he refused an offer from Google with an annual salary of US$500,000 because..."

Various eye-catching news headlines have triggered discussions among netizens around the world.

For example, on Twitter, this news even made it to the top ten of the trending list. You must know that for the United States, a country where the hot list is often filled with various entertainment or sports news, this news can squeeze into the top ten. It is very rare.

And it’s not just the trending list in the United States. This news is also on the top of the Japanese version of the Twitter list.

As a country that attaches great importance to basic mathematics, Japan's name can be said to be spread throughout the Japanese mathematics community.

Of course, the main reason is that last year, Xiao Yi became popular in Japan after he pointed out Mochizuki Shinichi's mistake in proving the ABC conjecture.

Although, on the surface, they still fought for Mochizuki Shinichi, but among young people, Xiao Yi's actions undoubtedly aroused their passion.

Well, it's probably the kind of passionate spirit that defeats the superior.

All in all, Xiao Yi became famous all over the world again this time.

Of course, let alone domestic.

On the hot search list, the first one is [What do you think of Xiao Yi’s rejection of Google’s $500,000 offer and stated that he would rather study pure mathematics? 】.

The most upvoted answer is this.

[As other respondents said, there are many people who refuse Google’s invitation, and Google is indeed nothing, but you have ignored Prabhakar Raghavan, Google’s Senior Vice President of Knowledge and Information, who invited Xiao Shen The conditions for opening are so good.

I have here a record from an actual live recording to show you specifically what the conditions are.

1. A basic salary of US$500,000 per year, and Xiao Yi will receive additional rewards for any achievement he makes, no matter which field the achievement is in, such as pure mathematics. And this annual salary is only temporary. Xiao Yi will have an annual salary of one million US dollars after graduation.

2. Pay to go to school. Yes, Xiao Yi can still get this salary even if he is in school, and all his school fees are free of charge, all provided by Google (here, Raghavan did not say anything about providing Xiao Yi with an admission letter from any university) , I guess he also knows that with Xiao Shen’s ability, why can’t he get a school notice?)

3. Immigration channels. If Google wants to handle immigration procedures for a person, it shouldn't be too simple. They can just get a green card and everything. I think some people in Run will be envious of it. They have to pay a lot of money for Run, and Xiao Shen doesn't like it at all.


All in all, there are a total of eight conditions above, and Raghavan also said at the end that the conditions he gave are only what he can give. As a technical executive, he actually cannot provide them in terms of finance or personnel. The best condition is that if their CEO comes, he might start with an annual salary of one million yuan.

So, don’t compare with other people who rejected Google. These conditions, even for Google, are the treatment of the top talents with many years of work experience. This is an area that other people can’t reach. I am willing to Call it the forbidden realm.

Well, by the way, let me answer a question asked by others, which is why Google suddenly invited Xiao Shen.

A simple explanation is that during this period, Xiao Shen came up with a mathematical method called Xiao's polynomial expansion, and then he did a little bit of work in the computer field and did a big thing——

He directly laid the foundation for the encryption system pattern in the field of information security for a long time to come!

In the past thirty years, an algorithm called RSA encryption has been the main encryption method for information security. However, as our computer performance gets better and better, the security of this encryption method becomes lower and lower, so In the future, it may be gradually replaced by another ECC encryption algorithm, but Xiao Shen used the Shaw polynomial expansion method to directly update the RSA encryption system to a version. Now this version can be named "Shaw system".

For specific details, you can look at the question that ranked second on the hot search list. I won’t go into details here. Anyway, Xiao Shen took action and the computer world was shaken.

In addition to solving the security problem of RSA encryption, Xiao Shen also came up with a protocol. Although it was developed with Terence Tao, James Maynard, and another Leonard Kleinrock, Xiao Shen was responsible for the mathematical principles of the main part of this protocol.

As for this protocol, it is nothing big. In the future, all cross-blockchain transaction protocols in the world will basically adopt their protocol.

Unless it is a trading platform that does not want to ensure the security of cross-chain transactions, such trading platforms are well understood and will be avoided in the future.

In short, it is these two things that made Google decide to invite Xiao Shen to join. After all, these all show Xiao Shen's ability.

In addition, the agreement they completed also received a bonus of 10 million US dollars. Even if it is an average, Xiao Shen can get a minimum of 2.5 million US dollars. Maybe Terence Tao and others saw that Xiao Shen had the greatest contribution and directly gave Xiao Shen half. So, I think Xiao Shen really doesn't care about Google's salary. If he wants to make money, he can just do some projects like this and make a lot of money.

That's all I want to say. So, don't say that rejecting Google is a normal thing. I don't think many people can reject such a good offer.

I think Xiao Shen is the kind of true "seeker". He just wants to pursue his own "Tao" without any restrictions! 】

This answer has received more than 10,000 likes, and the number of comments below has reached thousands.

[That's right. I'm a computer scientist, and I happen to be in the field of information security. I read the paper published by Xiao Shen and his team these two days. I can only say that I worship it. The mathematical methods used in it are simply too terrible. If you are good at mathematics, you can do whatever you want. 】

[I'm a graduate student in computer science at Qinghua University. I happened to attend a class by Professor Yao these two days, which also involved information security. He happened to talk about Xiao Shen's achievement, saying that his achievement is basically equivalent to benefiting the entire information security field. In the future, the world will probably save a lot of money on information security. And the protocol they came up with can be summarized in two words - awesome. 】

【Oh my god, there are big shots from Yao class? I remember that Professor Yao started his research on multi-party secure computing. The millionaire problem he raised was the beginning of multi-party secure computing. How did he evaluate this protocol? 】

【I am not from Yao class. Yao class is for undergraduates and has nothing to do with us. It’s just that Professor Yao occasionally teaches some classes so that we graduate students can listen.

As for Professor Yao’s specific evaluation, it’s more or less like this: "The protocol developed by Xiao Yi can provide a new idea for the future development of multi-party secure computing, that is, to achieve innovation in mathematical methods. For example, if we come up with another mathematical method similar to Xiao’s expansion, our multi-party secure computing... well, it should be the entire computer field. It will probably enter a stage of technological explosion. After all, mathematical methods are the foundation of our computer technology.

Of course! I am not recommending you to follow Xiao Yi’s example and come up with some new mathematical methods or something. After all, there is an old saying that goes, do what you can."

Well, that’s what Professor Yao said. 】

【Okay, okay, what a new idea. Is this an idea that people can adopt? Only Xiao Shen can do it. 】

【If Xiao Shen doesn't have a spirit weapon, I will eat a ton of it! 】

【What the hell? 10 million US dollars, is that true? Then Xiao Shen will make a fortune? Awesome! 】


As the influence fermented, more and more people began to join in the evaluation, and more and more people realized that Xiao Yi's rejection of Google's invitation was nothing. The real point was the achievements made by Xiao Yi, which made Google willing to spend so much money to invite Xiao Yi to join.

There were also more computer professionals who began to speak out and popularize how important Xiao Yi's two achievements were.

In this way, time passed quickly.

In San Jose, this joint mathematics conference finally came to an end in a lively atmosphere.

At the closing ceremony

"Next, we will enter the most grand part of this joint mathematics conference, which is our award ceremony!"

In the heart of the conference, Hales Karl stood in front of the podium, facing everyone on the scene, and announced: "The first award to be presented is the Cole Algebra Award!"


Thanks to Gengtang for the 500 starting coins reward!

Thank you Yuandeng Hualing for the 400 starting coins reward!

Thank you Shenyue Qingchen for the 200 starting coins reward!

Chapter 126 Cole Award, 10,000 dollars received

Chapter 126 Cole Award, 6 million dollars received

Chapter 126 Cole Award, 6 million dollars received

"The first award to be presented is the Cole Algebra Award!"

As Hales Karl's voice fell, everyone in the audience also shifted their attention to a certain position in the front row.

And the person sitting in that position was Xiao Yi.

Hales Carr also smiled and glanced at Xiao Yi, then continued: "The origin of algebra can be traced back to the ancient Babylonian era. The ancient sages at that time had accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge in arithmetic. Therefore, in order to create a more complete arithmetic system, algebra came into being."

"Through the use of the algebraic system, the sages were able to list and solve equations containing unknown numbers. Today, these problems can be solved using the simplest linear equations, quadratic equations, indefinite linear equations, etc."

"Fortunately, our mathematics is always full of geniuses. Whenever such geniuses appear, our mathematics process will develop rapidly."

"So, with the birth of a genius, Galois used his wisdom to lay the foundation of modern algebra for us, and starting from his Galois theory, algebra became the most important method in mathematics, and in Nowadays, it continues to branch out and form various branches such as algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and algebraic number theory.”

"The new talents continue to shine until today."

"Now, a new method has emerged in our mathematical community, which once again plays an extremely important role in the study of mathematics."

"That is etale's automorphic theory of algebraic varieties."

"It is in the position of algebra, inherits geometry, and is connected with number theory. In just a few months, it has created many achievements in our field of mathematics."

"Including the proofs of the Elliot-halberstam conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, as well as the newly born Shaw polynomial expansion."

"To be honest, I haven't seen this kind of new theory that can create so many results once it was born for many years. The last time, maybe ten years ago, was Peter Schulz's seemingly complete space."

"So, based on such important results, I think that this time the Cole Algebra Prize is awarded to the proposer of the automorphic theory of etale algebraic varieties, and it is well deserved."

"Then, let's invite Mr. Xiao Yi to come on stage to receive the award!"

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